Monday, November 30, 2009

Borrowed / Lent Cards

With the past weekend behind now, I've realized that as a team, there's a lot more borrowing of cards within our team now.

Just so I don't lose track, I'm going to make a quick list right here, right now!

Borrowed Cards

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary (from Steven)
Blackwing Armor Master, Ultra (from team)
Dandylion (from Marlon)
Flamvell Magician x2 (from Marlon)

Dark Eruption (from Steven)
Gold Sarcophagus x2 (from Jimmy)

Lent Cards

Blackwing Armor Master, Ultimate (to Steven)
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (to Marlon)
Necro Gardna, Super Rare (to Marlon)
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner (to Marlon)

If I forgot anything, feel free to let me know in the comment section!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Locals Report

Well, before heading to the YuGiOh tournament, I had to get my H1N1 flu shot. And I must say, holy ****, that was one big needle. Gave me a ton of butterflies in my stomach, before and after the shot.

After getting my vaccine, I headed over to the YuGiOh shop.

When I arrived, I had very little time to get my bearings straight. The first round had started, but luckily, I was able to still enter the first round without taking a Round 1 loss, due to the fact that 4 people were entering around the same time as me.


Getting out Albert's mat, and my deck, I was ready to take on the tournament with Synchro Cat.

Round 1: OO vs Lane

Game 1: After seeing my opponent drop Gigantic Cepholotus, I knew I was agaisnt a Plant deck. However, I must say, it was poorly built. As well, a few misplays from my opponent letting me know his facedown card was Wall of Ivy just put the momentum into my favour.

After dropping Monk into Cat into 2 Airbellums, he just couldn't swing back.

Game 2: I cannot really remember this match, but after I went Monk, Cat, Arcanite, and Ancient Fairy, he Lightning Vortexed my field.


However, he didn't have any follow-up, so I took control and won.

Round 2: XOO vs. Simon

Game 1: Well, against Zombie Synchro, it was a pretty tough fight. He Burialed my Dark Armed Dragon that I searched with Gold Sarc, which was a pretty damaging blow. Even though I managed to nail Simon with a Monk - Cat - Airbellum - Ancient Fairy combo, Simon comes right back at me with Stardust, Chaos Sorc, Doomkaiser, stealing my Plague, and other crap.

He hits me for OVER 9000!!!

Game 2: This time, with my sided cards, I expected to do better. However, I didn't really draw any of them. Go figures. Eventually, the battle becomes a top decking war, with me using D.D. Crow to secure momentum. Then, by dropping Armor Master, I took the game.

Game 3: I really don't remember much of this match. It was all a blur, to be honest. Two D.D. Crows did help against Simon in the long run however. Near the end, I believe I managed to win with Caius or some beatsticking.

Round 3: XX vs. John

Game 1: Early on, he played some messed up ruling on me with Bottomless and Black Whirlwind. That, I didn't really like. However, in the end, I ran out of resources, while he kept gaining his. Man, Black Whirlwind is a beast of a card.

Game 2: Pretty much the same as Game 1. I eventually ran out of cards, and he just kept gaining his.

Round 4: OXO vs. Alan

Game 1: So Game 1, he plays Exemplar with United We Stand equipped. During my End Phase, he flips Royal Decree. However, an overcommitment to the field, followed by Black Rose Dragon wrecked him. I retained control over the duel from then on.

Game 2: Well, somehow, he pwns me bad with Stardust, Defender, and Exemplar with Mage Power. Darn Mind Control! That threw me off badly.

Game 3: Early on, he played Exemplar on me, as well as Secret Village. However, Gravekeeper's Guard managed to save me from losing my spell cards. The next turn, I MSTed his facedown card, Brian Controled Exemplar, summon Plague, synched into Goyo, brought back Guard with Exemplar's effect, top decked a card for Plague, and synched into Uruquizas.

Now that was one good play. Eventually though, he pulls out Colossal with his Night End Sorcerer and my Goyo, but I got rid of it with Lightning Vortex.

He eventuallys brings out Injection Fairy Lily, but with a Monk in my hand, I managed to get rid of his final lifepoints with Dark Panther copying Lily's effect.

To be quite honest, I need better duel memorizing skills. Really. :\

At this point we go to Top 8, and I end up going against Dylan. However, Marlon shows up around this point, and he lets me use his Brionac! YAY!

Top 8: OO vs Dylan

Game 1: Now here is where my memory starts to fail me. I do not really remember the details of this duel, but I believe I won thanks to Dark Armed Dragon on the field with Goyo and Ancient Fairy.

Game 2: Here, I managed to get early momentum thanks to successful Arcanite plays. Drawing into Trunade and Storm truly did help me. However, Dylan soon manages to put me in a bad position with Shura and Armor Master on the field backed by Kalut. However, earlier damage had left Dylan at 1700 lifepoints.

THANK YOU MARLON. I had a Summoner Monk in my hand that turn, and he had no facedown cards. I went Monk into Brionac, dropped two cards, and attacked for game. Brionac is a godsend. Mist Wurm would have done the same thing too. :)

Top 4: OO vs. Gigavise Player

I'm really sorry, but I forgot your name! My bad!

Game 1: Well, he drew really bad, to be honest. No Lonefires at all, and some bad Mark of the Rose plays. We kept passing Brionac back and forth for a while. Eventually, I dealt more damage to him thanks to Caius.

Game 2: Again, he opened REALLY badly. No Lonefire or search cards. Once again, we kept passing Brionac back and forth, but soon, my damge exceeded his.

Top 2: OO vs Simon

Game 1: Well, Diva-Zombies again. Early on, I could tell that Simon was losing resources pretty quickly. With Synchro Cat strong at removing resources, and Simon's deck of -1s, I secured the first duel.

Man, definetely gotta work on duel memorizing skills. :\

Game 2: Siding in my cards, those Crows really did help a lot again. No sign of the Kycoos though. Early Trap Dustshoot let me know of Simon's cards, and I just kept pressuring him with damage. Soon, he was forced to give up his Burials to save his life for a turn, and that just left me in a position to win.

So overall, it was a really fun day. I got 4 packs of Turbo Packs, and pulled a Super Rare Garoth. NICE! So Marlon is borrowing that for the moment. Thanks again for the Brionac Marlon. It really did save my face.

Not a lot of trading over the day, however, as much as borrowing. With the idea that Team Metronome is established, there was a lot more borrowing between me, Marlon, and Jimmy.

But that's what teams are for! :D

I really should make a list of borrowed / lent cards....

Until tomorrow!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

XX-Saber Hyunlay

XX-Saber Hyunlay

EARTH / Warrior / Synchro / Effect / Level 6 / 2300 Atk / 1300 Def

1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner "X-Saber" monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can destroy up to 3 Spell or Trap Cards on the field.

This card kinda reads "Destroy all Spell and Trap cards on you opponent's side of the field," doesn't it?

With the upcoming release of Absolute Powerforce in the TCG, X-Sabers are surely going to become a lot better.

Both this card and Saber Hole are strong additions.

However, some flaws with this card.

1. What monsters to use to tune.
2. Lack of good TCG X-Sabers that fit this requirement

Still, good innovation could put this to good use.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Card Choices

Recently, I've noticed that Synchro seems to have three specifice cards that rotate in and out, depending on the build.

Those cards are:

2-3 Book of Moon
2 Gold Sarcophagus
2 Allure of Darkness

In the many Cat decks I've recently of this format, a combination of two of the three above choices are utilized in Cat decks.

However, no build that I've seen has run all three card choices at the same time.

This warrants further testing, and will most likely be seen in my mexy update of the Cat deck.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Slow Day

Other than the fact that I basically got crippled playing soccer today, there is not really much to talk about today.

There hasn't been any really significant new stuff coming out yet, since Absolute Powerforce isn't here until February, about.

Looking through that set again though, I found some interesting cards that could possibly help my LIGHT machine deck.

Break Draw and Rocket Pileder.

Break Draw adds some needed draw power, that's for sure. However, with no what of searching it, hopefully, I'll just draw into it.

Rocket Pileder prevents my monsters from being destroyed by battle, as well as reduces my opponent's monster's attack by the equipped monster's attack after damage calculation.

With an established field, and no backrow from the opponent, Rocket Pileder has the potential to cripple practically every monster in the game.

Still, I need two monsters then. Which sucks. :\

That's really all for today.

Until tomorrow.

And I can't wait for Sunday. Getting my Armor Master back finally. LOL

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Yugioh 5Ds

Well, I was just watching Yugioh 5Ds episode 86, and apparently, guns can be used as duel disks.

Like really?

It really seems like everything can be made into a duel disk now in that anime.

As well, quickdrawing your "gun" decides if you go first or not. LOL

Really now, I need to get me one of these if it ever comes out.

A duel disk acting as a gun. Sweeeeeet.

EDIT: Just finished the episode. ONE TURN, THREE KILL!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cards for my New Deck

Cyber Twin Dragon
Power Bond
The Light - Hex Sealed Fusion

Looking for highest rarities!

Oppression Cat Decklist

Well, from the suggestion of my teammate, I'll be posting my deck up to show people just exactly what deck I run at the moment.

The current deck I run is Synchro Cat, with teched Royal Oppressions.

And here's the list.

Monsters (19)
Dark Armed Dragon
Caius the Shadow Monarch x2
Gravekeeper's Spy x2
Gravekeeper's Guard
Mystic Tomato x2
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Plaguespreader Zombie
Rescue Cat
Summoner Monk
X-Saber Airbellum x3
Sea Koala
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
Neo-Spacian Dark Panther

Spells (14)
Gold Sarchophagus x2
Allure of Darkness x2
Pot of Avarice x3
Mind Control
Brain Control
My Body as a Shield
Cold Wave
Giant Trunade
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon

Traps (9)
Royal Oppression x2
Solemn Judgement
Call of the Haunted
Trap Dustshoot
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Mirror Force

Extra (15):
Stardust Dragon
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Colossal Fighter
Red Dragon Archfiend
Power Tool Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Arcanite Magician x2
Goyo Guardian
Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
Flamvell Uruquizas
Ally of Justice Catastor
Magical Android
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

And there's my deck. All 42 main decked cards.

The side deck constantly changes, depending on my local meta.

Explaining this deck is something I would rather do later, so leave a comment, or pm me for questions.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Red Dragon Archfiend

It stops searchers.

Never knew.

Just found out from Stardust Accelerator.

Some trivial knowledge here and there.

Deck Status

While I have been playing Symbols Cat for a while now, I've decided to switch to Oppression Cat for now.

The Symbols of Duty combo, while truly explosive, often resulted in dead draws which I didn't like to see.

Drawing a Symbols, or one of the two normal Beast monsters would often force me to make bad plays, until I was able to get the cards needed to recover.

As well, by dropping the 3rd Symbols, the explosiveness has dropped drastically, as there is no longer a guarantee on Power Tool Dragon's effect.

So for now, I'll be using Oppression Cat. Using Royal Oppression after an overcommitment will usually win me games, as Special Summoing is cut off, and control is established with Catastor/ Goyo/etc.

However, this is still in the testing process, and having only one deck to usually playtest, that being Gladiators, doesn't really help much for the deck building.

Example being the inclusion of Caius. I've been seeing it as a dead card more and more often now, IRL and in-game (WC09).

Further testing will warrant my final opinion on the build.

Flamvell Cat is something that I would like to test as well, but Tragoedias and that lone Brionac will be needed.

Well, that's pretty much it for my deck status.

Until tomorrow.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday Locals Report

Well, again, not a report, but a quick overview.

As I was unable to attend due to my WuShu anniversary demo, credits of this post goes to my teammate and friend, who is also the author of the blog I ♥ Rescue Cat, Jimmy.

From what I know, Jimmy Top 1 today. Congrats to him.

As well, 2 Doomcaliber Knights, 2 Krebons, and a Super Samnite were pulled from the Turbo Packs won.

Again, congrats to those who pulled these really awesome cards.

I really wished I could of been there today. Next week, I look forward to playing with my team.

And I'm looking forward to getting back my Armor Master, STEVE.

P.S. Jimmy, you gotta post what deck you topped with in your blog. Or at least in the comments section here. :p

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Stardust Accelerator

This game is really useful, actually.

I managed to make my Synchro Cat deck in-game, and it has really helped me see the potentials that the deck possesses.

Granted, the AI sucks nuts, but still, testing card combos is really useful.

Gold Sarchophagus, for instance, really does speed up the deck, as it lets me add essential key cards I need to wreck my opponent, such as Dark Armed Dragon and Summoner Monk.

Unfortunately, I do miss my Power Tool Dragon and Ancient Fairy Dragon in-game, but they are replaced with Naturia Beast and Dark End Dragon.

Man. Those cards are powerhouses here.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hidden Arsenal Price

According to my knowledge, Hidden Arsenal costs roughly $150 CDN.

A 4-pack blister of Hidden Arsenal costs $15 CDN.

A box of HA has 36 packs, while 9 blisters would also have the same 36 packs.

Through math, while a box costs $150 CDN, 9 blisters would cost $135 CDN - about $15 less.

In addition, the chance of pulling the "Big 3" from blisters are higher apparently.

Looks like it's better to buy blisters overall.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Machina Mayhem Structure Deck

Time to stop collecting Cyber Valleys.

It's being reprinted in this structure, which is really cool.

Those Dimensional Prisons are nice as well.

The Big Saturn is in this as well.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ally of Justice - Catastor

Well, this card certainly has a chance of cropping up often in my blog.

Recently, I've found synchroing for this monster in my Extra deck has been increasing more and more often.

While the usefulness of Level 6 monsters such as Goyo Guardian and Brionac is really great, Catastor's effect will serve better in the long run, due to the pressure that Catastor places on the opponent's cards.

Unfortunately, it loses to Book of Moon, Bottomless Trap Hole, and others, but that's why you don't pull it out when the opponent has a facedown card, right?

Of course, don't ever pull this guy out on a Blackwing or Zombie deck. The number of DARKs those decks have would just wreck Catastor.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ancient God Frembell


Ancient God Frembell 「エンシェント・ゴッド・フレムベル」

FIRE/Pyro - Synchro - Effect/7/2500/200

FIRE Tuner + 1 or more Pyro-Type Non-Tuner monster

When this card is Synchro Summone successfully, select a number of cards in your opponent's Graveyard up to the number of cards in your opponent's hand and remove them from play. This card gains 200 ATK for each card removed by this effect.

It seems Konami is trying to improve graveyard management with the new release of NeoFrembell in Duel Terminal 8, as well as this card...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Symbols Cat

Recently, I've been testing the deck around, and I've found that the deck certainly isn't as explosive as I once made it out to be.

However, the controlling features of Arcanite is still there, and my playstyle with the deck has definetely changed, after switching up the style of the deck.

Ally of Justice - Catastor has improved the deck's quality, that's a certain fact.

Now I only require a Broinac and a Mist Wurm to perfect my Extra Deck.

As well as get my Armor Master back from Steven...eventually...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Locals Report

Well, not really.

There wasn't a tournament hosted on Sunday, so the people there was basically only trading and playing cards for the majority of the day.

There was some good trades, and I manged to get a lot of cards for my brother's FlamvellSworn deck. It being a team deck with Jimmy makes trading a lot easier for me.

As well, I managed to get another X-Saber Airbellum, secret rare. That was nice.

Near the end of the day, there was a lot of playtesting. My Symbols Cat deck did pretty well, and pretty bad at times. But it was fun.

Not a bad day in the end.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday Locals Report

Well, usually, I have a tournament report on Sunday, but today, I went to the more competitive locals down south of where I live.

There were a lot more players than the Sunday locals, but there are also a lot more people to trade with then.

I didn't do a lot of trading before the tournament started, but I managed to get a shiny Shura for a Blackwing deck, completing my playset.

The tournament begins.

Round 1: XX vs. Brandon

Game 1: After Brandon played his first card, I realized that I was playing a Blackwing mirror match. Basically, he opened good, I opened bad. Luck of the draw when in a BW mirror.

Game 2: I sided in some cards, but they don't see the light of day. Eventually though, I get control with Magical Android on the field until he tops a Dark Grepher, dumps his Vayu in his hand, and pulls out an Armor Master. No more resources left afterwards, so I lose.

Round 2: XX vs. Brandon

Game 1: So for some reason, I ended up going against the same person again. The COSSY system is really troublesome. :\ Basically, same thing happened as ound 1, Game 1. He got his cards first.

Game 2: Well, this time I opened stronger, but he double Dust Tornadoed my Mirror Force and Trap Dustshoot, and that makes me QQ. That pretty much wrecked me.

Round 3: XOX vs. Vincent

Game 1: Yet again, another Blackwing mirror. He Brain Controled my Sirocco, pumped his guys all up, and made me scoop. Sigh...a bad day today for me I suppose.

Game 2: He played right into a Dark Armed Draogn move, which works out to my benefit. I win a duel for once that day! YAY!

Game 3: A long duel, so I can't remember the details. I recall Dark Illusion wrecking my deck though. I just know he beat in the end.

Round 4: OO vs. Jeff

Game 1 + 2:

Going against Chaos, I opened strong, while he didn't draw his Chaos Sorcerers both times. In the end, I win.

Well, overall, even though I had a bad day at the tournament, I did do some good trades afterwards.

Getting me Ally of Justice - Catastor, and Mist Valley Soldier, as well as pulling X-Saber Airbellum from my Hidden Arsenal pack made me pretty happy. Not getting any Gold Sarchophagus kinda made me sad, but now I know that they are $30 each.

Afterwards, having some fun games with James made my day. Him using Brain Control on Ancient Fairy to blow up his own field spell was pretty hilarious. XD

Getting Catastor
Getting all the cards for my Cat Synchro deck
Pulling Airbellum

Going 1-3 :\
Losing to Dark Illusion in Blackwings
Not getting Gold Sarcs

Brionac at 3 @ SJC C-Bus

Well, if you haven't heard the news, it seems Brionac is going to be unlimited at the next Shonen Jump Championship.

Looks like Zombies are gonna win. :\

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Boundary


Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Boundary 「氷結界の龍 トリシューラ」

WATER/Dragon - Synchro - Effect/9/2700/2000

1 Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can remove from play up to 1 card each from your opponent's hand, field, and Graveyard.

Kinda broken...don't you think?

Same-esque summoning conditions as Mist Wurm and Ally of Justice - Decisive Arms.

When played right, clearly a 2 for 2 card exchange.

But that added graveyard control is just awesome.

Gladiator Beasts running Shrink

I cannot for the love of me understand why TCG players are not running Shrink in standard Gladiators.

Is it because of the lack of space? Because Glads with Shrink have topped at tournaments in Japan.

Shrink in Glads serve several utilities because Bottomless Trap Holes are no longer a threat to your Bestiari and so on.

Shrink act as a safe key to your tag ins.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Absolute Powerforce

Well, with the unveiling of almost all the cards in the set, all I can say is that I look forward to it's release.

Cyber Dragon Zwei just looks awesome.

Here's the site as well.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mind Control

How many specific cards do you think is neccessary to justify this?

Now that it is limited, it seems to be more of a tech pick in the eyes of many duelists.

I feel 4 cards that work with Mind Control is good enough.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Naturia Beast

After playing my Synchro-Cat deck a while, I've realized how much better Naturia Beast is than Magical Android.

Granted, Magical Android is a LIGHT that fuels Chaos Sorcerer. But overall, Naturia Beast has so many more benefits.

Of course, Ally of Justice - Catastor can not be overlooked as well.

When will you come to the TCG...


Naturia Beast

EARTH / Beast / Synchro / Effect / Level 5 / 2200 Atk / 1700 Def

1 EARTH Tuner + 1 or more EARTH Non-Tuner monstersDuring either player's turn, you can send 2 cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard to negate the activation of a Spell Card and destroy it.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wrath of Neos

Someone will try to abuse this card.

I just know it.

Could be me.

Although the deck will probably turn into a Gemini Spark variant.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Symbols of Duty

Is actually a really good card. Like really.

There are so many combos with that card in my new Synchro-Cat deck.

The deck will be revealed eventually.

Consider Symbols in your next deck guys.

Power Tool Dragon and Hidden Armory are bringing back equip cards.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Turbo Packs

Why are they coloured red?

In english class, the colour red represents energy, power, and feelings related to those.

Turbo Packs don't really provide any kind of rush, unless you pull something good from it.

Shiny cards instill the 'rush' feeling. Pulling commons just doesn't cut it, in my opinion.

To be honest, the Turbo Packs should be black. Like those awesome Signer card sleeves Japan has.

Man, are they awesome.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hidden Arsenal Spoiler

So it seems most of the good cards in DT-01 have been released as Secret Rares in Hidden Arsenal.

Flamvell Magician looks to be the only good Super Rarein the set.


On another note, secret Airbellums would look nice in my new Synchro-Cat deck.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Spiritual Forest

While at first this card may seem to be the new tech card in Gladiator Beasts, it will only stay on the field for most likely one turn.

There are just too many pieces of removal in this game at the moment for that card to strive in this metagame.

And with Gladiator Beasts looking for new tech, while at first it may succeed, Spiritual Forest only benefits half of the deck.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Full SOVR Sneak Preview Report

As yesterday's post was lacking due to time constraints, today's post will be more detailed.

Me and my brother left the house rather early, but unfortunately, we missed the bus still. In the end, we decided to jog all the way to the shop. We managed to make it there around 11:10 am.

Before the tournament began, I tried to trade for a Dark Armed Dragon, but in the end, time ran out.

Around noon-ish, it was time to open our packs for the Sneak Preview event.

I only managed to pull a Fortune's Future, while my brother also pulled a Fortune's Future, as well as an Explosive Magician.

This day started to look down already...

As the decklist is already posted, I'll skip right to the report.

Round 1: OO Vs. Nigz

I know, a weird name.

Remembering tournaments are kinda difficult for me, but I recall that I managed to drop my Reptillianne Medusa, while he had no answers to it both games.

Round 2: OO Vs. Skyler

Going against Skyler, it was a little bit tougher. However, with control from my Gorgons and Medusas, while he had no monsters bigger than Medusa, led me to victory eventually.

Round 3: OO vs. John

Going into Round 3, I started to feel like my deck was actually pretty good, and things would turn out good for me.

Seeing John's Regulus and Spiritual Forest, as well as Spider Web, placed me into a tight spot. But eventually, the number of beatsticks that I had outnumbered his, and I won both games through this method. He also didn't managed to draw his Gemini monsters together with Gemini Spark, so that was a stroke of luck for me.

Before the start of Round 4, my friend Mark had told me that he was suspicious of his opponent, Logan, for cheating, as well as sharing cards during a Sealed Tournament event. When I found out that Logan was my Round 4 matchup, I decided to see if Logan was actually cheating or not...

Round 4: XX vs. Logan

This matchup was a total wreck for me. I didn't know what happened, but at the end of both games, Logan had 2 Reptillianne Medusas on the field, with a grave full of Insects monsters for Insect Neglect.

After the match, I asked Logan if he was borrowing any of his friends cards. He said yes.


I asked the judge Jimmy, to see if anything would be done. In the end, it was decided that Logan would receive two game losses, for the match against me as well as Mark, for cheating and not following the rules of a Sealed Format event.

It does suck when it happens, but it has to happen. :\

Round 5: XX vs. Mark

After the whole Logan issue was resolved, my mind was a bit distracted. Knowing that I was going 4-0 into this round, my attitude towards winning and losing in this round kinda dissappear.

It showed in my bad playing.

Even though I was 4-1, I still had a lot of fun with Mark.

After the 5 Rounds had passed, it was time to play in the Top 8. I had qualified, so that was awesome.

Top 8: OXO vs. John

Once again, I was up against John. The first matchup was easy for me, I kept drawing into my beatsticks while John had nothing to stop the onslaught of 1800/1900 Atk beaters.

The second round, John decked me out by using Spider Web, as well as Regulus and Insect Neglect. I just didn't have enough answers to all the cards that John played, and eventually, I lost due to deckout.

The third round had em almost decking out once again. His cards overwhelmed me. Soon though, I managed to get a swarm of monsters on the field which were able to do the lot of damage needed to win the duel.

Top 4: XX vs. Mark

Now for these two duels, they were the times when I was always in trouble. Mark's deck ahs a lot of answer to big monsters, as well as a lot of stall monsters in it. Whenver I got out a monster with more than 2000 Atk Points, my opponent would just Gemini Spark my monster away.

In the end, the venture proved too difficult for me to win.

So while I may have only made it to the Top 4, I still received a Turbo Pack, but unfortunately, I did not pull any shiny cards.

At the Top 2 table, which was my brother Albert and Mark going at it, Albert won the final matchup. Getting us....That's right. A giant mouse pad. It looks really nice, to be honest, and I'm happy for Albert, winning his second mat now.

At the end of the day, I did a few trades, managing to get the sought after Dark Armed Dragon, as well as some toher cards, by trading away my super Lumina.

Now it's time for Pros and Cons.

Making the Top 4 in Sealed
Getting a DAD finally
Seeing Albert win the SOVR mat

Not pulling much out of the SOVR packs
Missing the bus
Seeing Albert win the SOVR mat and not me

That's all for this tournament report. Look forward to the next one.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

SOVR Quickie Sneak Report

Well, I don't have a lot of time to talk about this event. Full details will be up tomorrow. Until then, here is the decklist that I used for the sealed event that occurred at my locals on Nov. 1, 2009.

Monsters (19)
Reptilianne Medusa x2
Reptilianne Gorgon x2
Fortune Lady Dark
Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate
Spyder Spider x2
Koa'ki Meiru Beetle
Swap Frog
Koa'ki Meiru Sea Panther x2
Stardust Xiaolong
Quickdraw Synchron
Tuned Magician
Energy Bravery
Infernity Necromancer

Spells (3)
Savage Colosseum
Insect Neglect
Iron Core Armor

I played this deck to a Top 4 finish out of 16 people. Which I find pretty satisfying.