Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday Locals

Well, I head to locals again, but this time it's at the other shop, since this is a Saturday after all.

My Sunday locals has no tournament unfortunately due to it having a Magic the Gathering Sneak preview.

Going to my other locals on Saturday always destroys me though, as I have to wake up so damn early in order to get myself ready to go there.

And so, I head to locals. About 3o people showed up, so I'm guessing that due to the high turnout, we had five rounds.



1) Trying to trade away Mezuki, but FAILED

2) Managed to get my hands on Chaos Sorcer and DAD (borrowed)

3) With my new deck idea, managing to go 3-2, losing out to ZZ (Zero Zombies)
in 5th round

4) Getting three new duel videos recorded!!

5) Realizing that I'm stupid for not running Cyber Valley after the tourney is over


And that's my day.

Once again, be sure to check out my videos at

And also be sure to check out aznsayian's videos, who is my teammate and friend.

Thanks for reading this post.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ally Genex Birdman

Thanks to my infinte knowledge and such and such, I have found a new awesome card that's pretty good!!!

cough cough Neuxcharge's Blog...

Ally Genex Birdman

DARK / Level 3 / Machine-type / Tuner / 1400 Atk / 400 Def

By returning 1 face-up monster you control to your hand, Special Summon this card from your hand. If the returned monster was a WIND monster, this card gains 500 ATK. When this card is Special Summoned by this effect, it is removed from play when it is removed from the field.

So, let's review this card.

Wow, I haven't done one of those in a while.

First of all, is the archetype.

Yea, it's not a strong one. Ally Genex is really one of the undermined archetypes due to the fact that the archetype is only available in the OCG at the moment, and when the archetype is compared to the other Duel Terminal archetypes, it falls short against the infamous Magoshin (Fiend Roar Dieties) and the Naturia Boss monsters.

The attribute is next.

Being DARK greatly increases this card's chance of being used. As the DARK attribute has been greatly enhanced in recent years of this game, Birdman being DARK is just goodness all around.

Searchable by Mystic Tomato, and being able to be removed for Allure of Darkness puts this card in a good position.

Now I'll talk about it's typing and it's Tuner status at once. Because that's the only way to talk about one of this card's greatest asset.

Genex Neutron.

Genex Neutron lets you search out a machine-type Tuner from your deck at the end of a turn he's summoned. Birdman is a machine-type Tuner. SYNEEEERGY!!!

But anyways, yea, Birdman has a good typing for that reason and that reason alone.

As well, being a Level 3 Tuner opens up a lot of synchro abilities, although Level 7 synchros have been suffering as of late.

1400 Atk is really nice here, given that the Birdman sneaks under Bottomless Traphole, allowing you to synchro without losing Birdman to that card.

Lastly, the effect.

While its effect may seem subpar at first, the significance of Birdman's effect would clearly be the ability to reuse monster effect that activates when they are normal summoned.

Obviously, the ones that come to mind would be to reuse E-Hero Stratos' effect.

Other cards would be the Gadgets, Armageddon Knight, and even reusing Monarchs' effects.


Overall, Birdman is a relatively good card. With goood support, a strong attribute, and other benefits to this monster, I can see this card being played in a few decks in Japan.

Where it truly stands, however, will be whether or not the deck is effeicient enough to compete against the metagame.

I give this card a 7.0/ 10

It isn't the best card to use, but it isn't the worst either.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Duelist Pack - Kaiba

So it seems Konami has this crazy idea that the consumers are now nostalgic for old cards...>_>;

Duelist Pack - Kaiba is now slated for a TCG release on April 20th.

A 40 card Duelist Pack..hmmm. That's an interesting choice by Konami now.

I can fortell that is set will be one for collectors mainly.

For now, let's review some of the interesting notes of this set.

Highlights of this special set include:
A brand-new “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” Effect Monster, available for the first time!

SIN Blue Eyes White Dragon. Can anyone else see this?

5 Ultimate Rare versions of Kaiba’s most foreboding – and forbidden – cards, including “Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End,” “Cyber Jar,” and “Pot of Greed” – cards never before seen as Ultimate Rares.

New, shiny banned cards..yeaaaa

Brand-new artwork for “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” and “Vorse Raider.”

New artwork is okay I guess.

Includes two of the biggest monsters ever created: “Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon” and “Dragon Master Knight.”

Who uses these anymore???

A new chance for you to get popular but hard-to-find cards like “Fiend’s Sanctuary” and the alternate artwork “La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp.”

Fiend's Sanctuary will be nice for sure.

Foil-up your deck with a shiny Super Rare version of “Return from the Different Dimension.”

A foil version of RftDD. Sounds okay I guess.

Like I said, set for collectors. (-__-)

This set does not seem like it will be offering up any new cards for the TCG metagame, and also, the reprints are really meh.

Just my two cents.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cards to Look For

Chaos Sorcerer
Dark Armed Dragon

My new deck idea needs these cards!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Locals

Another day, another tourney to win!

Left my house early to leave for my locals, and I got there around 11:15 am. I saw Jimmy on the way there again. Man, it feels good to leave early for Yugioh.

This could be a permanent thing now.

Anyways, I get there, and tried to trade away a recently obtained Mezuki, but trading is serious business man!

So I dont get many good, big trades, but I did manage to do some little ones.

Well, to the tournament report NOW!

1) Went 2-2 with Beast Cat! >_<

2) Still topped anyways thanks to tiebreakers with Jimmy!!!

3) Going all the way to winning the tournament! WHOO

4) Not pulling anything from Turbo...XP

So basically, that was my day.

On another note, I finally got a few (TWO) videos on my Youtube account!

It ain't much, but it'll do for now.

Link is below.

Check out the videos please! It's some content..I

One more thing before I go!

Seems my blogging has turned from a daily task to a semi...daily..task.

Eh, whatever the word is. So expects posts to come every second day, and weekends is kinda a winger.

Thanks for reading this post!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Duelist Revolution



Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Naturia Extrio

Do I hate exam breaks. It makes me feel so lazy.

Anyways, another of the Naturia Boss monsters have been revealed!

And it's a fusion?!?!


Naturia Extrio

EARTH / Beast / Fusion / Lv 10 / 2800 Atk / 2400 Def

Natural Beast + Natural Palkion

A Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters. While this card is face-up on the field, remove from play one card each from your graveyard and the top of your deck to negate the activation of a Magic of Trap card and destroy that card.

So, with the power to negate both spells and trap cards combined into one monster, this guy is really powerful.

Royal Decree plus Imperial Order with 2800 Atk = GG!

But bringing out both Synchros for this guy is tough...

That's why I'll use The Earth - Hex Sealed Fusion instead.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Black-Feather Treasure

It's official confirmed to be in The Shining Darkness!!!


BUT, it's effect isn't confirmed yet!

So far though, we know this much.

Activate by removing from play 1 Blackfeather card in your hand. Draw 2 cards. You cannot special summon the turn you activate Blackfeather Treasure. You can only activate one Blackfeather Treasure a turn.

Yea, it got nerfed hard if this is really the true efffect. People will still use it though.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blackfeather Dragon

Is a piece of crap.

What the heck is Konami thinking?

Blackfeather Dragon

DARK/ Synchro / Level 8 / 2800 ATK / 1600 Def

1 Tuner + One or more non-Tuner monsters

When you would receive damage from a card effect, place 1 Black Feather Counter on this card instead. This card loses 700 ATK for each Black Feather Counter on it. Once per turn, you can remove all Black Feather Counters from this card to have 1 face-up monster your opponent controls lose 700 ATK for each counter removed, and inflict the same amount of damage to your opponent.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Zero Gladiators

Sorry about no post yesterday.

I had no internet access all day long.

What a nightmare!


Today is just a quick mention to a recent combo that I was given note of.

Elemental Hero Absolute Zero + Gladiator Beasts

It could work.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Locals Report

You know...always doing a huge report during my Sunday at my locals is starting to piss me off.

And it's also discouraging me from blogging, knowing that I have to always type so much every weekend.

So, I'll more than likely start doing simpler blogs, because:

1) It's easier for me.

2) Less rambling from me.

3) ???

4) PROFIT!!!

So here's my day in a nutshell!


1) Got to the store earlier than usual. Met up with Jimmy on the way there

2) Did some good trades beforehand, and changed up the deck a bit before the tourney begun

3) No Momongas! Had to substitute the GK engine over them!

4) Going 3-2 with BEAST CAT!

5) Making into Top 4 before losing to Steve + BWs!

6) Do I even have a 6th thing to talk about? Hmmmm...

7) People who were there, you know the rest!

The day overall was good, as a return to constructed format means the games are finally more HARDCORE.

Good games today guys!

And here's some pros and cons.

Upgrading Yellow Baboon
Getting Green Baboon
Coming into 4th overall

Topping Green when Yellow was needed!
Not getting any good pulls from packs


I did get a box of Twilight though.

Honests are too sweeeeet~~~

And when Eltanin comes out!

DOOMSDAY (or Light Machine deck comeback)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Super-Nimble Mega HAAAAMSTEEER!!!!!

New Beast support card in Absolute Powerforce.

Don't believe me?

Time to start collecting these.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Or A Hero Emerges, for all you TCG freaks.

So recently, I've been having this crazy Hero lapse in my mind.

Especially because this is coming out.

With the release of Parallel World Fusion and Great Tornado in Japan, and with Absolute Zero coming out in the TCG, this archetype is starting to look up!

So what are some good Hero deck ideas out there?

Besides Zero DAD right now, of course.

Looking to expand and build on those.

P. S. I just notice how freaking crazy the nature heros' names are.

Great Tornado, Gaia, The Shining, and Absolute Zero.

Well, Absolute Zero is crazy at least.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

To Draw Well...

Why can't there be a draw card that lets you get rid of cards you don't want in your deck!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Decks Ideas

Just a list of deck ideas that I wanna make when I have time.

Putting this here so I don't forget them.

Any suggestions for the ideas, feel free to let me know. Thanks!


1) Synchro Cat - To be REMADE

2) Beast Cat - To be Perfected

3) Light Machines - To be Improved

4) Wrath of Neos Abuse - To be started on

5) Quishie Playing - To be built soon

List to be added to later.

Evan's Dragon

I was just looking through some Maplestory stuff in KMS, and I finally came across the art of the dragon Mir that Evan owns.

Damn does it look badass.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest

Soon to become my new favorite card.

Along with...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Weekend Report Summary

I haven't done a report in a while, so I'll just sum up my weekend as I went to both the Saturday and Sunday Locals.


1) Went to Trilogy Gaming Club, going 3-2 with Oppresion Cat

2) Had my DAD stolen!! =(

3) Support from friends helped a lot!

4) Late for Sunday Tourney again! Got ranted on by my friends! XD

5) Symbols Cat for the Pegasus League was baaaad

6) Got into Maplestory iTCG with Skyler

The weekend was fun, but school starts up again now.

That isn't very good for my Yugioh / Maplestory fun.

Still, I'll try to keep up with the latest as I intend to get back into rigorous blogging habits.

And my new deck is coming into fruition.

I still need a ton of playtesting though.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Hell?

It seems that my Dark Armed Dragon is missing from my trading binder.


I am going to fricken kill someone.