Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday Locals Report

Oh man. It just feels like it's been forever since I've done a tournament report.

Oh wait....

Anyways, today I was playing Rauzes' LightxDark Beat deck, found on his joint blog, Only The Duel.

It was almost completely netdecked, but the fact that Wisel Infinity doesn't exist in the TCG means I had to change one card.

Still though, I loved the idea of the deck, and honestly, it's performance today exceeded my expectations.

On to the report.


Round 1: vs. Ice Barriers

Game 1: While this deck is kinda unconventional, you still need to be prepared for it. Thunder-King Rai-oh and the Blackwings did most of the work today.

Game 2: Pretty much the same as Game 1, but using Nobleman of Crossout on a Penguin Soldier was pretty nice as well.


Round 2: vs. Gladiator Beasts

Game 1: I open with TKRO and 5 backrows, one of which was Solemn Judgement. While he had a similar field, my play control was a lot better.

Game 2: While I don't recall the beginning, I do recall the end. It oils down to my inhand Gorz, no field, to his Retiari and face down Chariot. He attacks with Retiari, and I force the Chariot with Gorz. He opts to grab his Equeste and get Chariot back. With his life points under 1500, I top the Shura for game. =3


Round 3: vs. Infernities

Game 1: I summon Thunder King Raioh first turn. He gets rid of it thanks to his Infernity Break, but my Call of the Haunted brings it right back.

Game 2: While I did not open with TKRO, I did open with Gorz. As well, my D.D. Crow makes an appearance in this matchup today. Afterwards, I summon Thunder King Raioh and from there it's all down hill for him.


Round 4: vs. Blackwings

Game 1: Honestly, I don't really remember how I won this one. Simplifying the game with my cards and using Cyber Dragon and TKRO to my advantage helped to my win I believe.

Game 2: Same deal as Game 1.


And so we move into playoff rounds. With a record of 4-0, I'm guaranteed a spot in the top.

Top 8: vs. Infernities

Game 1: Again I am against Infernity monsters. However, Thunder King Raioh does his job really well as usual.

Game 2: It boils down to his set up of Synchro monsters against my in hand Honest, CyDra on field, and face down Call of the Haunted. However, Mist Wurm said "Sup" to my cards and then I take over 6000 in one turn. =\

Game 3: So I draw into a hand of Gorz and Chaos Sorcerers and some pointless spells and traps. He summons Infernity beetle and I can't do anything about it as he just slaps me with it for three turns. However, he decides to use Giant Trunade allowing me to drop Gorz. Gorz wins me this game.


Top 4: vs. ScrapKeepers

Game 1: My deck does its stuff as I play control card after control card (mainly Book of Moon).

Game 2: I lose this one as he brings out Scrap Dragon after Scrap Dragon. While he did Solemn Warnings my first Chaos Sorcerer, I had a second one to help. But another Scrap Dragon owns me hard.

Game 3: Halfway through the game, he plays Dark Armed Dragon on me and pops three of my cards, which really hurts. I bounce back with Dark Hole and Thunder King Raioh. The momentum that I got back swings me into the favourable position.


Top 2: vs. Blackwings

Game 1: Through some simplication moves, and with me ending up with TKRO as the last card, I beat through the deck rather smoothly.

Game 2: Early on, he tries to play Delta Crow, but I have the Trap Stun to stop the play. Soon after, my Spirit Reaper and ThunderKing Raioh tries to get hit by Dark Hole, but Starlight Road wins out in the end. Unfortunately, he picks up the Kaluts and Shuras he needs at exactly the right time, and I'm left with no options. This game was really down to the wire.

Game 3: He gets off three Icarus Attacks over the course of the duel, but Chaos Sorcerer keeps me from just losing out straight up. However, with no cards to protect our plays, both me and my opponent had trouble due to both of our massive backrows. Eventually I make the push, but he wins out in the end thanks to a clutch Sirocco and Gorz.


So in the end, I end up getting second place, which isn't bad for me. I win three Turbo packs, but I don't pull much out of them; just D.D. Crow.

I had an awesome time today, especially in the Top 2. You don't get good Yugioh games like those in a long time.

As for this new deck, I really liked how it ran, and while I may keep playing it for a while longer, I have some fun decks in mind that I also want to play.

There's Quickdraw, Blackwings, and Infernities decks as well that I have to make.

Wait for it!

- MonarchVV ; #9


  1. Awesome. It's good reading these reports on the days that I miss out on.

  2. It felt good topping with Frog Monarchs again after not topping for 2-4 weeks though it was only second so I know how it feels. Didn't pull crap either.
