Thursday, June 9, 2011

T.G. Recipro Dragonfly

Yesterday's post concerned the recent changes to the TCG about the Colossal Fighter-Armory Arm OTK loop.

In thinking about this and looking things up around the internet, I came across a video which showed that while the Colossal Fighter's usefulness in Fish OTK has vanished, Armory Arm has not.

And this is because Recipro Dragonfly exists.

Yes. The Level 2 non-tuner Synchro monster.

Thanks to this card, the burn from Armory Arm still can be utilized.

The video went on to show how this combo is formed, to which I will briefly summarize.

From the Coelacanth, your bring out two Oyster Meisters and two Fishborg Blasters.

You make two Armory Arms, and get two Level 1 tokens. From here you equip the Armory Arms to your opponent's monster.

Discard a card for Fishborg and make Formula Synchron, then discard the card you drew and make Recipro Dragonfly.

This leads to a 3rd Armory Arm.

The rest is easy to do.

Slam your Coelacanth into their monster and watch as they take 2800*3 damage.

Good game.

Will Fish OTK decks utilize this method of winning?

Seems better than running the risk of hitting a Gorz / Battle Fader, I suppose.

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