Friday, February 26, 2010
TCG Banlist
I planned to do something a lot bigger than this, but as usual, I got pretty lazy. =P
So I'm just posting the March 2010 banlist for now.
TCG Ban List:
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary
Chaos Sorcerer
Necro Guardna
Lightlord Summoner - Lumina
Burial from a Different Dimension
Foolish Burial
Destiny Draw
Charge of the Light Brigade
Allure of Darkness
Mind Crush
Magical Explosion
Semi Restricted
Cyber Dragon
Demise - King of Armageddon
Treeborn Frog
Black Whirlwind
United We Stand
Royal Decree
Royal Oppression
Skill Drain
Mask of Darkness
Smashing Ground
If you haven't seen it by now, this is it.
I'll be posting my thoughts on the list probably when the list is official.
Which would be next Tuesday?
Until then.
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Shining Darkness Preview #2
Anyways! We'll start discussing some of the new Plant support cards that Plants will be receiving!
First off is this one!
Oh my god! It's the new Watapon / Kuriboh / Hanewata!
It's coming soon to you in Gold Series 4! For OCG...
But really, this card is a good Plant support card.
Spore スポーア
WIND / Plant / Tuner / Level 1 / 400 Atk / 800 Def
You can remove 1 other Plant-Type monster in your Graveyard from play to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. Increase this card's Level by that of the removed monster. You can only use this effect once per Duel.
And thus, the analysis of this card begins!
But really I only want to talk about the obvious points of this card.
Clearly, it's Plant, which means there are a ton of support in the form of Lonefire Blossom, Mark of the Rose, Gigaplant, and other variants of Plants.
Next is the fact that it is a Level 1 tuner! And it isn't Copy Plant! Although both card has it's merits, Spore is the superior Level 1 tuner based on the fact that its effect is actually more useful than Copy Plant's effect, although I am sure Copy Plant's effect has been used at least once.
Being Level 1 means that in Gigavise, Powertool Dragon is instantly accessible.
Spore can also make other levels when the time comes as well. Thanks to its crazy effect!
If you've read it, Spore is a free plus 1 in terms of card advantage. By removing a plant in your graveyard, it special summons itself to the field, while also gaining the Levels of the monster that was removed. That means Spore can become a Level 2, 3, or 4 tuner by removing the correct Plant type monster in your graveyard.
It's unfortunate that it can only be used once a duel however. Although really, this makes Spore into a good balanced card for the Plant archetype, something that they've needed for a while now.
Lastly, there's one unexpected thing that people might not realized when you actually play this card.
Dark Simorgh.
That's all for today's post! I'll be looking at the other Plant cards soon!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Bomb Guard

While Lightning Vortex still works with Bomb Guard out, Bomb Guard still effectively stops the Smashing Ground, Fissure, Soul-Taker, in addition to Doomcaliber Knight in Gadgets.
How this card will affect the TCG and OCG meta has yet to be determined however.
I see good promises with this card however against the Gadget matchup.
Same with Pulling the Rug.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The Shining Darkness: Preview #1!
However, I like this set so much, that I am going to preview cards from this set one at a time!
And the first one today is...

Blackwing - Breeze the Gentle Wind BF-そよ風のブリーズ
DARK/Winged Beast/Tuner/Level 3/1100 Atk/300 Def
If this card is added from the Deck to your hand by a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster's effect, you can Special Summon this card. This card cannot be used to Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster except a "Blackwing" monster.
And so, the beginning of MonarchVV's THSD Previews Begin!
The Shining Darkness has been marketed as supporting Blackwings, and this card is one of the best of them.
By being added to your hand through the effect of a spell, trap, or monster effect, you can special summon this card from your hand.
Obviously, the initial reaction was OMG BLACK WHIRLWIND ABUSE MORE GALES WHOO
However, you have to notice the variety of cards that also add cards to your hand, such as Against the Wind, Dark Eruption, Sangan, and etc.
Breeze's free special summon is really useful, and as such, can be comboed with many other cards.
With Breeze's restriction to only Blackwing monster synchro summons, I feel this is rather appropriate. If Breeze could be used for any synchro summon, then Synchro Summoning would have gotten WAY too much speed to be controlled at.
I rate this card a 7.5/10! Due to Breeze's restrictions to only be placed in Blackwing decks mainly.
Overall, this is just a brief review of Breeze's potential, and I'll try to produce more quality posts regarding some of the more fascinating cards of the set.
Hopefully, I didn't lose too much readers over this delayed post...=P
Shining Darkness Spoilers??? Plus a Locals Report
I just checked up on Shriek and there are a whole lot of interesting cards in this set. And by interesting, I mean HOLY **** DAMN interesting.
So, expect a ton of card reviews over the next few days, as there are a lot of cards that I really wanna go over in The Shining Darkness.
Also, a Locals report.
I took my friend's modified Quickdraw Synchron OTK deck (which I modified!) to Saturday locals.
Here's the quickie report.
MonarchVV's EPIC LULZ Tournament!
1) Having fun with my friend's Quickdraw OTK and going 3-2!
2)Not tpping with the deck! XP
3) Picked up a Judgement Dragon today! But it was damaged! o_O
4) Got rid of the Judgement Dragon for Dark Armed Dragon, Silverwind, and secret Goblin Zombie!
5) Switching up the secret Goblin Zombie for Armed Wing!
6) Albert for being baller and pulling Ally of Justice Catastor!!!
A rather nice day, to be honest. I had a good time, and I did a lot of trading with high end cards.
I hope to have more fun days like this in the future.
And another note:
Happy Chinese New Years! Enjoy the day while you can!
Look forward to those card reviews coming soon!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Hidden Arsenal 2
Hidden Arsenal 2 has been announced for release on Konami's website, as well as Shriek's TCG news.
On both sites, July 2010 has been the month that is listed for when it will be coming out.
While most people have been saying just the date that HA2 is released, I decided to go a bit further.
Here's a list of the synchros that people will most likely see in this set (from Duel Terminal 3 in Japan.)
Naturia Beast
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Boundary
Thermal Genex
Geo Genex
Ally of Justice Field Marshall
Those are the latest synchros.
Cat decks will really look forward to Naturia Beast.
Junk Destroyer
YSD5-JP041 Junk Destroyer「ジャンク・デストロイヤー」
EARTH/Warrior - Synchro - Effect/8/2600/2500
"Junk Synchron" + 1 or more Non-Tuner monster
When this card is successfully Synchro Summoned, you can select and destroy a number of cards on the field up to the number of Non-Tuner monsters used as Synchro Material for the Synchro Summon of this card.
Now that is what I call a good monster.
And with QuickDraw Synchron, I am going to love bringing this guy out!
QuickDraw Synchron + Quillbolt Hedgehog + Level Stealer = Junk Destroyer!!
2 cards destroyed! Proceed to OTK!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
March Banlist 2010???
The banlist that seems to have cause a ruckus, however, is this one.
And to be honest.
People need to learn to be patient.
Like really!
I've seen too many people talk about this list over and over again.
It isn't confirmed yet, and until the actual list is posted on Shriek with pictures and screenshots, no rumoured list should have any credibility.
Just my banlist rant.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sunday Locals / ABPF Sneak Peek
And I'm talking about my Sunday Locals on the day after...
There's a reason why I couldn't blog yesterday, and that is because my brother was doing his Math IB project.
Forgive me for any expectations unsatisfied.
And here's a report of the day of the Absolute Powerforce Sneak Peek!
1) Got there early and paid for the sneak peek. Special thanks to StormKing1, my teamamte for reserving a spot for me and my brother!
2)Pulled Moon Dragon Quilla and used it to make it to Top 4!
3) Got nothing from Turbo Packs...
4) Didn't win the random draw ABPF mat! Damn it is AMAZING
5) Thanks to Albert for getting Oracles of the Sun and Galandolf!
Overall, the day was another fun day for Yugioh, especially because of the Sneak Peek.
We had some good trades, such as finally grabbing a Catastor for my brother's Extra Deck.
I'll be trying to get back into the blogging business soon, because I really need to post more than once a week!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Yugioh Online Duel Accelerator
Looks exactly like a watered down version of Yugioh Virtual Desktop to me though.