Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekend Fun


Well, this past weekend was really a blast so far.

On Saturday, I went with a bunch of friends to OtaFest, and also to join the Yugioh tournament that they were holding.

Going to the vendors, I bought a new wallet for myself. It's has designs from One Piece, and I really like it a lot more than my old one.

Going to the Yugioh tournament, I believe I did relatively well with my Quickdraw deck.

It was single elimination instead of swiss rounds, which was kinda a disappointment.

Going there, I didn't really expect strong players, as they were mainly anime otakus, so I dominated pretty badly.

However, my GOOD friend James was there, and ripped me apart with his P.A.C.M.A.N. deck.

Dang his "Pure Advantage Camels Munch All Noobs" deck!

So I made it to the Top 6, and got a pin/badge thingy, but the Top 3 all got a Shadow Hat.

Really disappointed I didn't get one. =\

In the end, it was James against Steve in a PACMAN against X-Sabers duel, with Steve winning thanks to Jinzo!

I really need to get me a few of those cards now.

The top 2 won stickers unfortunately. It seems the Top 3 prize was a lot better...>_>

Overall, Saturday at OtaFest was a really fun day. I kinda feel bad for not doing much, as well as not cosplaying since there were so many cosplayers there.

I plan to go back next year, and win this time! I'll probably cosplay too, or even vend there with my friends.

We'll all figure out how to do it next year.



Going to my locals the next day, being Sunday, I decided to go with my Quickdraw deck one more time.

With 15 people here, we were going to play 4 rounds of Swiss, with a cut to a Top 8.

Round 1 was a pretty bad game IMO. I was going against a rather poorly made Exodia build. Naturally, I won both games in a few minutes.

Round 2: OO vs. Lightsworn Monarchs

This was a really good match, with close games and no misplays.

Game 1: Good exchanges between both me and my friend. We were almost always the same on card advantage. I win eventually as Jimmy runs out of resources as I drop a LADD late game.

Game 2: I can't remember much about this duel, but it was really close again. A good duel with same resources and such. In the end, I believe Debris Draogn wins this one for me.

Round 3: XOX vs. Rock Stun

Going against my brother was something I always hate to do.

Game 1: He gets me with Brain Control after hitting me earlier. Can't do much here with a really monster heavy deck.

Game 2: I had outs to his monsters and Royal Oppression, and Quickdraw Synchron and Debris Dragon does its job.

Game 3: Nobleman of Crossout gets rid of all my Rykos and Royal Oppression stops a key Debris Draogn, and it's all downhill from there.

Round 4: XOX vs. Flamvell Cat

Game 1: It was a war of attrition as me and Alan kept going back and forth with card exchanges. Eventually, I couldn't keep a monster on the field, and he beats me down with BW -Gale the Whirlwind.

Game 2: I stop his summons and such with my sided cards, being Compulsory Evacuation Device and Trap Hole, and I win this duel with Quickdraw shenanigans.

Game 3: He drops a Caius and removes my Sangan, tributing his Sangan to search for Summoner Monk. I couldn't stop his advantage play.


So this was the first time I had not topped at Myth Games in quite a while. I've been saying that I didn't wanna top for quite a bit now, and it actually happened this time.

Still, I dislike losing to the worse version of Synchro in the fourth round: the Flamvell variant.

In the end, it was a Top 8 consisting of Fader Control, 2 Blackwings, Rock Stun, Flamvell Cat, Lightsworn, Twilight, and Dragons.

Top 4 was the two Blackwing decks, Lightsworn and Twilight.

Top 2 was the Blackwing deck against the Twilight deck, with Blackwings winning in the end.


Commenting on my Quickdraw deck, I really liked using Spore today. It was a good tuner, being able to become Level 4 by removing either Lonefire Blossom or Dandylion.

Chaos Sorcerer and Light and Darkness Dragon are both good cards to use in this deck. They saved me a lot of times today.

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast was alright, as I didn't get to use it as often as I wanted to. Spinning just isn't as useful as it was before.

Nobleman of Extermination was great mained. Got rid of their backrows, leading to safe plays for my deck.

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind was great in the deck. I really prefer it over Plaguespreader in this type of deck.


Personally, I may switch to a different deck soon. The speed of this deck just isn't enough to compete with Frogs, Infernities, or X-Sabers.

The deck which I can potentially switch to is probably Frogs, but we shall see in the near-by future.

Thanks for reading this blog still.

Until tomorrow.

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