Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday Local Report

Well, I forgot about doing the last three new Blackwing cards, but they'll be up and coming over the next three days.

I also forgot to post yesterday because Maplestory likes to drive me into a corner a hammer me there so I cannot access my Yugioh stuff!!!!


Got to my Locals on time thanks to my rollerblading (man, it's so fun rollerblading when it's hot outside), but I didn't feel like playing my Quickdraw variant at all.

Thankfully, Steve was there with his Quickdraw variant. So I get to enjoy using his High Monster Beat deck for the day.

But of course, since there were six Quickdraw variants there, we would get to see which is the Top build of the day.


Round 1: XOO vs Infernities

Game 1: So basically I open with no D.D. Crow, and he goes off on his first turn. Enough said.

Game 2: This game I opened a lot better, but I wasn't able to beat him in a few turns. He had set up his combo, and was waiting to OTK me at any moment. Fortunately, I managed to go off first and win right before he top decks an Infernity Launcher.

Game 3: I survive again as he has no answers to Stardust and Junk Destroyer. Royal Decree did its job this game as well.

Round 2: OO vs Quickdraw (Obelisk)

Game 1: Now this was interesting. I wasn't expecting to hit a Marshmallon when I summoned Junk Destroyer to destroy it. Regardless, I win cause I was able to get my combo off first.

Game 2: This time, he pulls off Gravekeeper's Spy on me, which caught me off guard. He hits my Decree by bringing out Descendant, but I still manage to go off. Man, Quickdraw and Plaguespreader is one hell of a godly combo.

Round 3: XOX vs Gladiator Beasts

Game 1: I opened extremely nasty here. Almost all Tuners, and nothing to use for synchroing. Him attacking my graveyard with Retiari doesn't help either.

Game 2: Here, I was able to ride Jinzo and Ally of Justice Catastor to a win. My opponent was forced to get rid of Jinzo in order to open up his traps, but Catastor destroyed his Murmillo afterwards. When he tries to drop Gorz, I flipped Swallow Flip, destroying his only answer to Catastor.

Game 3: He goes first and set a monster. I could of play Junk Destroyer first turn, but I opted against it. Instead I bring out Dandylion through Lonefire Blossom. Then next turn he flips D.D. Warrior Lady. I cry. Nothing I can do as I lose my main synchro material. I make a comeback thanks to Jinzo, but then he drops Gorz as my facedown Swallow Flip is locked by my own Jinzo. Then he plays Brain Control.

Sigh...Gorz and Brain Control...Of course.

Round 4: OO vs Quickdraw

Game 1: Quickdraw mirrors are hard to describe I guess. There really isn't much to say. He goes off and I go off. We trade cards with his Grand Mole and my Drill Warrior. Eventually, I bring out a Caius on his Grand Mole and I deal enough damage for game.

Game 2: Same deal as Game 1 I suppose.

Top 8: Autowin vs Quickdraw

Well, my opponent was the same as the one from Round 4, but he really didn't feel like playing my deck again, so he decides to scoop to me.

Instead I play a Stall Exodia deck for fun this round, but Junk Destroyer does his job and wrecks 2 cards on the field at once against him.

Top 4: OXO vs Gladiator Beasts

Game 1: At first, I was losing to a massive field of two set S/T and a boosted Laquari and a Gyzarus. However, Debris manages to get me out of this pinch thanks to Black Rose Dragon, and thankfully, there was no Starlight Road or Book of Moon. He also didn't have a GB to summon next turn, so I was safe. From there, I played the game safely to a win.

Game 2: Yet again, I open massively bad. A bunch of Tuners with no synchro material is bad news. It doesn't help that he has a lot of backrow cards also.

Game 3:

He hits me hard with Heraklinos early game, but Black Rose Dragon stops it the first time. He brings it back with Call of the Haunted, but thanks to me forcing a facedown backrow (Compulsory Evacuation Device) with Debris Dragon, I managed to destroy Herakilnos a second time with Junk Destroyer. As well, with Plaguespreader Zombie in my graveyard and a bunch of tokens on the field, I wasn't about to make the same mistake as I had last time: Leaving Attack fodder for Gladiator Beasts. I bring out Ally of Justice Catastor. My opponent couldn't follow up after that.

Top 2: OO vs. Quickdraw (Obelisk)

Game 1: What can I say about this matchup? I play the deck normally, and it goes off faster than the regular Quickdraw variant thanks to a lot more milling.

Game 2: Same deal as Game 1.


So in the end, I win the tournament with Quickdraw! It's been quite a while since I've played and won a tournament, so this was a nostalgic feeling.


Junk Archer is a really sick card by the way. It lets OTKs happen when you may not see it possible.

Nitro Warrior is beast in the matchup against Quickdraw mirrors. Just goes through those tokens like nothing.

Nothing else to say really.

Anyways, that's all for this report.

Thanks for reading.

Until the next time.

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