Thursday, October 29, 2009

SOVR Card Feature #3

Come thunder's strike, and rid me of opposition...

Welcome to the 3rd, and final card feature of Stardust Overdrive!

Why final you ask? Because I'm tired of reviewing cards day after day. It makes my head hurt. Now stop wondering and enjoy this final session.

Today's card isGemini Spark
Spell / Quick-Play

Tribute 1 face-up Level 4 Gemini Monster. Destroy 1 card on the field and draw 1 card.

Being a spell card, there are very few ways to add it to your hand. Short of Gold Sarcophagus, nothing will be able to add Gemini Spark to your hand. Utilizing 3 copies, along with ways to thin out your deck is ideally the method of adding Spark to your hand faster.

Quick-Play. Now this is where things get interesting. A quick-play spell card has several advantages compared to normal spell cards, due to the fact that Quick-Play spells are Spell Speed 2, and can be chained to trap cards. In addition, you can play them on your turn, or surprise the opponent on their turn. The quick-play status is brought out fully thanks to the effect of this spell card.

Tribute 1 face-up Level 4 Gemini Monster. Destroy 1 card on the field and draw 1 card.

This effect is amazing. AMAZING. By tributing 1 Level 4 Gemini, the destruction of a card is guaranteed, and you draw a card.

Now, by itself, this card is essentially a card for card exchange. By tributing 1 monster (-1), you destroy a monster (+0), and you lose Gemini Spark (-1) while drawing a card. (+1).

BUT, by chaining Gemini Spark to a form of removal, such as Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute, Bottomless Trap Hole, Gemini Spark can start to give you a lot of card advantage over your opponent.

Eventually, you'll be able to pressure the opponent into a worse position with your extra cards, and win the duel.


Finding decks which can use this card effectively usually means that it has to be centralized around Geminis. While the prospect of using Geminis may not be all that appealing do note that with the recent support in the form of Supervise, there are several combos out there available.

First off, I would like to credit Rauzes and BAHA84 for the two ideas presented in this blog. Rauzes built a deck centered around Dark Valkyria, and her destruction effect. BAHA84 built a Gemini build around Another Neos, or Neos Alius for us TCG players.

Both decks set off the abuse the card Gemini Spark. Seeing as how Neos Alius has a ton of support from Hero Blast, Stratos, and Honest, and Dark Valkyria has support from the dark side of Yugioh through Dark Armed Dragon, Allure of Darkness, etc., both decks looked solid, and I believed that both builds were successful in accomplishing the task their creators wanted to do.

Just look through your Level 4 Geminis, and I'm sure a new deck idea will emerge, abusing Gemini Spark to it's full advantages.

That's all for the card previews of Stardust Overdrive. Previewing cards is too much to do on a daily basis.

Look forward to the SOVR Sneak Preview Report.


  1. AHAHHA. You're getting tired of reviewing cards day after day? Hmm... and I thought you were a die-hard yugi-oh fanatic. Not only that... but it also makes your head hurt? Now, i can't stop wondering why it's your final review. You sound like you're chasing your readers off! XD

  2. That's not the intention of this blog. Plus, there are several more things to blog about in the future.

    And it hurts. Too much thinking of what to say hurts. Really.

  3. True, I guess! Hmm, I guess so if that's what you say.
