Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Shining Darkness: Preview #1!

So The Shining Darkness, as everyone has more than likely seen, has a lot of new cards which people will find uses for in side decks.

However, I like this set so much, that I am going to preview cards from this set one at a time!

And the first one today is...


Blackwing - Breeze the Gentle Wind BF-そよ風のブリーズ

DARK/Winged Beast/Tuner/Level 3/1100 Atk/300 Def

If this card is added from the Deck to your hand by a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster's effect, you can Special Summon this card. This card cannot be used to Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster except a "Blackwing" monster.

And so, the beginning of MonarchVV's THSD Previews Begin!

The Shining Darkness has been marketed as supporting Blackwings, and this card is one of the best of them.

By being added to your hand through the effect of a spell, trap, or monster effect, you can special summon this card from your hand.

Obviously, the initial reaction was OMG BLACK WHIRLWIND ABUSE MORE GALES WHOO

However, you have to notice the variety of cards that also add cards to your hand, such as Against the Wind, Dark Eruption, Sangan, and etc.

Breeze's free special summon is really useful, and as such, can be comboed with many other cards.

With Breeze's restriction to only Blackwing monster synchro summons, I feel this is rather appropriate. If Breeze could be used for any synchro summon, then Synchro Summoning would have gotten WAY too much speed to be controlled at.

I rate this card a 7.5/10! Due to Breeze's restrictions to only be placed in Blackwing decks mainly.

Overall, this is just a brief review of Breeze's potential, and I'll try to produce more quality posts regarding some of the more fascinating cards of the set.

Hopefully, I didn't lose too much readers over this delayed post...=P


  1. The card has to be added from the deck to the hand though, so cards like Dark Eruption and Against the Wind won't work.

    Raptor Wing Strike works though. Not sure if it would make it worth running.

  2. Oh wow. Seems I missed that part of the card when looking up it's translation.

    Thanks for the clarification though.

    Raptor Wing Strike is still a pretty bad card, if you are trying to aim for Breeze abuse.

    I guess that Black Whirlwind is truly the best way to use this card to its potential.
