Thursday, November 4, 2010

Starstrike Blast Preview #3

Alright! Third day is here!

Which means the countdown to the Starstrike Blast sneak peek is 3 days! (on Sunday)

And I have chosen a card before I started my blog! For once!

Glow-Up Bulb

EARTH / Plant / Tuner / Effect / 1 Star / 100 Atk / 100 Def

You can send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard and Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. You can only use this effect once per Duel.

Now this is one crazy card!

Let's begin the analysis.

The EARTH isn't so important, but what is important is the fact that it is a Plant!

This means that Lonefire Blossom, Spore, and other such and such decks will get a new toy to play with!

In addition, notably, is its Tuner status. This opens the realms of possibilities as Synchro Summoning is one of the defined mechanics of this game.

If you don't take advantage of the Synchros, then your opponent will.

Being 1 Star means that it is a Level 1 Tuner, resulting in many different Level Synchros coming out.

The 100 Atk and the 100 Def isn't so important, as this card's main purpose is definitely for Synchro Summoning.

Its effect is basically saying "Free Synchro for You!"

You can send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard and Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. You can only use this effect once per Duel.

Now, as you can see, if it's in the graveyard, you can bring it back for no cost at all.

Essentially, this is a "plus 1" in terms of card advantage, which balances out the Synchro Summon you are going to perform, as Synchros can considered a "minus 1" usually.

This card can be seen similar to Junk Synchron and Debris Dragon therefore.

However, the loads of support this cards gets is far superior compared to those two cards.

Synchroing with Level 7s for 8s, good synergy with Foolish Burial, and so on.

If the last condition on this card wasn't there, this card would be ridiculous.

As well, Glow-Up Bulb is usable in practically any deck at all, even if they don't run Plants.

The advantage this card can bring you in a single move is devastating.

Certain decks can run this better than others however, such as Debris Plants and Quickdraw.

Overall, this card receives a 5/5 from me!

Great card, good support, all around general excellent.


And that wraps up Day 3!

With two more to go, Starstrike Blast gets ever closer and closer.

Thanks as always for reading this post.

- MonarchVV ; #9

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