Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Locals Report

Well, I slept in and missed my chance to enter early.


It's been a while since I've taken a Round 1 loss.

But anyways, I decide to enter, because I had a new fun deck I wanted to try out.

It was LIGHT Beasts, and while it did well in testing last night, I wanted to see how well it would do in a tournament.


Round 1: Loss

Well, I was late, so I couldn't do much about it.

Round 2: XX vs. VayuSworn

Game 1: Never, ever, summon Voltic Bicorn against this deck. It ended up costing me the game because I milled 14 cards for him. =\

Game 2: Voltic Bicorn failed me again. I really should synchro for Scrap Archfiend instead.

Near the end, I was in control with Yellow Baboon and Elephun facedown and Rykos removed, but he tops a Sirocco after I had killed one the previous turn. No cards to stop an attack means I lose due to him having a Vayu in his grave. Sirocco pumping for the lose.

Round 3: OO vs. Exodia (?)

Game 1 & 2: It was easy wins really. This was the only time where I got a chance to bring out Thunder Unicorn and Voltic Bicorn in one duel.

Round 4: XX vs. Dark Fairies

Game 1: He sets up his grave, and then rushes me with Superbia, and Kristya with Honest in hand.

Game 2: Same deal as before, except this time after I used my sided D.D. Crow, he goes Orange Light. Then he follows with Trunade, Monster Reborn Superbia, bring out some Fairy, bring out in hand Kristya. Honest in hand also doesn't really help.

Round 5: BYE

While I had a bye, I had the best time since this morning just playing Blackwings. I switched my deck back because I was pretty sure I wasn't going to top anyways.

Playing my BW deck against my friend StormKing's old school (Hamsters) Quickdraw deck was fun. We had a good time!


So unfortunately, I go X-4, and totally scrubbed out.

The deck I built has potential, but really, without Summoner Monk and Rescue Cat, the deck isn't really worth playing.

Oh well.

I'll stick with Blackwings for a little while longer I guess.

Thanks for reading this post as usual.

-MonarchVV ; #9

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