Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Infernity Barrier

Well, I just found this information out recently, but it seems Infernities are getting their own DAMN Solemn Judgement!

It says something along the lines of:

Attack mode Infernity + no cards in Hand = Negate a Spell, Trap, or Monster effect and destroy it.


A control build of Infernities are definetely viable!




  1. Haha really?. Looks like there's another option for players who can't get archfiend just make a control variant of the infernities.

  2. But Archfiend makes Barrier broke. Well, more broke than it already is.

    Also, it looks like Book of Moon will get another card under its utility belt.

    Barrier won't be the hitting the list for nearly 9 months. Definite money maker right there.

  3. Just got back from shriek.com looks like Thunder king, Archfiend, JD, Armor master, armed wing are gonna be printed as gold rares and a common D-Draw this looking good so far but archfiend being reprinted already?
