Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Locals Report

Well, it sure has been a while. Since my last blog post, and since my last locals report.

I'm going to do an ALL DETAIL REPORT for once as the return to Constructed Format has made me happy.

With the return to Constructed Format this week at my locals, the place was bustling by the time I got there! I believe there were over 15 duelists. It was going to be one good day.

Arriving around noon, I payed my money, and got ready to duel. I didn't get to trade a lot before hand, although I was able to borrow a Tragoedia for my Flamvell Cat deck.

As well, for this report, I am going to report my games in a different way, because a game by game set up is pretty hard for my memory.

Round 1: OXO vs Josh's Machiners

Game Details:

Coming into this matchup, this was my first time going up against a Machiners Deck.
So I came into it all noobish. Game 1, I managed to survive his assualt on me by a bit, and made a turn around. Game 2, he drops two Machiners Fortress on his first turn, and I cannot get past his floaters. Game 3, Pulling the Rug finally came throguh for me as a good side deck card, stopping him from bring out his Fortresses with his Gearframes and Soldiers.

Round 2: OO vs Alan's Monarchs

So I am finally going against an person I haven't seen in a while, Alan. After seeing him drop a few Monarchs on me, I realized that his deck was Monarchs. But unfortunately, he didn't get any Treeborn Frogs into his grave, so I was good there. In the end, my Cat deck plays managed to overcome his deck.

Although him using Lightning Vortex to kill off 3 of my Synchros really got me. GOOD.

Round 3: OO vs Josh C's Six Samurai

Now this was a archetype I haven't seen in a long time.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see much of the archetype, as he drew pretty bad cards. His Gateways, I almost always destroyed one turn after he played it. Same with SS United.
My Cat deck just overpowered him...

Seems he hates Stardust Dragon also. >=)

Round 4: OXO vs Aldrian's Lightsworn

And here comes the good old school format deck.

Seeing as how we were both X-) right now, I knew his deck was a good variant of Lightsworn.
I managed to take control in Game 1 with my Cat antics as usual, seeing as how he drew rather badly. Game 2, he got the better of me, as his drawing engine goes off. Seeing mill after mill, I know that Judgement Dragon was coming, and it came and wrecked me. Game 3, I sacked my friend rather badly...drawing Kycoo right after one of them was destroyed. And so, I continue on, undefeated.

Round 5: OO vs Shaun's Machiner Gadgets

Another Machiners deck..but this time more control oriented than the first one I dueled.
While I was able to see some crazy moves being made by the Machiners, a well-timed Mirror Force ruined his plans in Game 2. From then, hand control thanks to my Airbellums sealed me the duel in both games.

So in the end, I go X-0, being undefeated during the Swiss rounds.

I expected some rematches in the Top 8.

Top 8: XOO against Jason's Blackwings

So the first match wasn't against someone I played against in the Swiss. It was against Blackwings. I lost Game 1 rather badly as I had no response to my opponent's early game overextension. So I lost in two turns. LOL

Games 2 and 3 I make a comeback with my offensive Flamvell Cat deck. It seems that losing one Black Whirlwind really does hurt Blackwings a bit.

Top 4: OO against Josh C's Six Samurai

And here was the first rematch of today. Unfortunately, it was a rather similar repeat of our previous match, with my deck taking control strongly early game.

If you can see this, sorry man! Let's have a better game next time!

Top 2: XOO against Aldrian's Lightsworn

And here we are in the finals. Never thought I would go up against Lightsworn already. It shows that Lightsworn is still a good deck.

Game 1 I was pushed back by lots of milling and Celestia plays. There was not much I could do to stop the plays.

Game 2 and 3 I fought back. HARD. In Game 2 he scores a +2 from a CotLB mill thanks to double Wulf milling. But in the end, Mist Wurm and the Hamsters pulls through for me.

In Game 3, I score a massive Summoner Monk / Rescue Cat play thanks to Cyber Dragon taking his Card Trooper and turning into Fortress Dragon. But then he uses Mirror Force on me.


But I managed to push him back far enough to take the duel. There were some misplays here and there, but still, a Lightsworn deck topping is impressive.


So in the end, I managed to Top. Winning 4 packs, I pull EBI Cusillu from ANPR. So, it was okay overall.

What I really enjoyed today was the diverse meta however. It shows that there are still a lot of decks out there fighting for Tier 1 at the moment.

The Top 8 Decks were:

1 Machiners Gadgets
1 Six Samurai
1 Lightsworn
1 Dark Cat
1 Flamvell Cat
2 Gladiator Beasts
1 Blackwings

This meta is really looking to be fun!

Next week, I'm going to try a new deck out, and hopefully top with it.

Well, that's pretty much it for this report.

I hope you enjoyed reading this.

Until my next blog post.


  1. It sounds like you had a rather exciting Sunday! =] It's funny to me how I always read your blog even when I don't understand =\ Glad you enjoyed your day though ^^!!

  2. That's why you should learn! Be a female player! XD

  3. This coming Sunday I'm going for the Gold.

    Me and Mar might go in testing Firecat builds (no spies) or I might just go in with Alchemic Fader with Firecat side hate.

    Can't wait. Constructed is too much fun.

  4. Looking forward to going against you Steve.

    I'll probably be coming in with a different deck, so watch out for me.

    Lots of testing to do for this new format.
