Monday, May 31, 2010

Mask of Restrict

Neither players can Tribute any monster under any conditions.

While the usefulness of this card has gone away, this card still has many purposes in the meta, such as stopping Stardust Dragon, annoying Monarchs, and even monsters which have to tribute themselves as a cost.

Particularly, this card stops the new Tier 1 deck: Frogs.

Worth side decking in a meta full of Frog decks out there?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

MS: Aquaroad Area Boss

Yesterday, I ran into a new enemy that I have never seen before.

Seruf. (Pronounced "SURF" [I think...])

I understand that he's an area boss though, seeing as how a little bit of blue text popped up as I was traversing the map.

Being a shellfish, it has it's original form, and its attacking form, as seen above.

Being Level 67, it was rather easy to beat, and it dropped its own unique drop, the Seruf Pearl.

With it dropping a pearl, and pearls being known as super expensive, I thought I could sell it for a lot of money.

I guess not...

Sunday Locals Report

Well, this isn't really a report, seeing as how I did not enter the tournament because I was too tired to wake up on time.

Turns out I really didn't feel like going to Yugioh as well, BUT I still went and managed to do some trades.

As well, I got a record of what topped and such.

In the Top 8, there was 2 X-Saber decks, 1 Blackwings, 1 Infernities, 1 Gemini City, 1 Gigavise, 1 Machina Gadget deck, and one Flamvell Monarch deck.

In the cut to the Top 4, Gemini City beat Infernities (due to bad hands), Flamvell Monarchs beat Blackwings (with Flamvell Commando!!), and the two X-Saber decks advanced respectively beating Gadgets and Plants.

Cutting to the Top 2, Flamvell Monarchs and X-Sabers were all that remained, and in the end, Flamvell won the tournament!

I have the match uploaded on Youtube, so I'll link you to my channel for now.

Enjoy watching all of my new footage!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Maplestory: Evan

Sorry about not having a blog post yesterday; I was busy celebrating my graduation with some friends.



Today, my blog won't be about Yugioh for once. It's going to be about Maplestory.

I'm finally back into the game (again) after about a 6 month hiatus, or whenever my last blog post about Maplestory was.

With the recent patch update for April, the new Legend class, Evan, was introduced.

He's a farmer boy who becomes chosen to be a Dragon Master, and as such, gets a dragon which follows him around everywhere.

Of course, this Dragon kicks some ass like no other.

Convinced? No? Well, it can also EVOLVE!!!

Well, he'll get bigger as I level, so expect updates as I go.

So far, the class is really fun. A mob attack at level 20 as well as the ability to Teleport is really sweet.

I wonder how far I'll manage to level this highest character so far is my Ice/Lightning Wizard, and he's only Level 67...


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pegasus League June 2010

From what I know, on the main website, it's known as "A Rare Format."

It's very similar to the first Pegasus League, in which the deck is based on rarity, but this time around, there is a set rarity ratio for the deck, instead of having the deck all one rarity.

The ratio is:

2 Secret Rare
2 Gold Rare
2 Ultra Rare
6 Super Rare
20 Rare
8 Common

This sounds like a rather fun format actually, compared to the last one, "Double Deck."

I'm looking forward to making Quickdraw Plants work for this format.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Synchron Explorer

Synchron Explorer adds some very fun tricks to certain decktypes out there.

Bringing back Quickdraw Synchron means a free Junk Archer or Nitro Warrior.

Bringing back Junk Synchron means a free Level 5 Synchro monster.

Bringing back Drill Synchron means Naturia Beast.


And also his effect negates Road Synchron's effect, which means Road Synchron is now a Level 4 LIGHT tuner!

Not sure if that serves any importance..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gold Series 2010

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind.

It's finally getting that all important shiny reprint.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Quickdraw Deck

Today, I managed to get more testing in.

It seems that D.D. Crow isn't as effective as I thought it would be main decked in a Quickdraw deck.

In other news, S/T removal is boss in this game.

More updates to come later.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekend Fun


Well, this past weekend was really a blast so far.

On Saturday, I went with a bunch of friends to OtaFest, and also to join the Yugioh tournament that they were holding.

Going to the vendors, I bought a new wallet for myself. It's has designs from One Piece, and I really like it a lot more than my old one.

Going to the Yugioh tournament, I believe I did relatively well with my Quickdraw deck.

It was single elimination instead of swiss rounds, which was kinda a disappointment.

Going there, I didn't really expect strong players, as they were mainly anime otakus, so I dominated pretty badly.

However, my GOOD friend James was there, and ripped me apart with his P.A.C.M.A.N. deck.

Dang his "Pure Advantage Camels Munch All Noobs" deck!

So I made it to the Top 6, and got a pin/badge thingy, but the Top 3 all got a Shadow Hat.

Really disappointed I didn't get one. =\

In the end, it was James against Steve in a PACMAN against X-Sabers duel, with Steve winning thanks to Jinzo!

I really need to get me a few of those cards now.

The top 2 won stickers unfortunately. It seems the Top 3 prize was a lot better...>_>

Overall, Saturday at OtaFest was a really fun day. I kinda feel bad for not doing much, as well as not cosplaying since there were so many cosplayers there.

I plan to go back next year, and win this time! I'll probably cosplay too, or even vend there with my friends.

We'll all figure out how to do it next year.



Going to my locals the next day, being Sunday, I decided to go with my Quickdraw deck one more time.

With 15 people here, we were going to play 4 rounds of Swiss, with a cut to a Top 8.

Round 1 was a pretty bad game IMO. I was going against a rather poorly made Exodia build. Naturally, I won both games in a few minutes.

Round 2: OO vs. Lightsworn Monarchs

This was a really good match, with close games and no misplays.

Game 1: Good exchanges between both me and my friend. We were almost always the same on card advantage. I win eventually as Jimmy runs out of resources as I drop a LADD late game.

Game 2: I can't remember much about this duel, but it was really close again. A good duel with same resources and such. In the end, I believe Debris Draogn wins this one for me.

Round 3: XOX vs. Rock Stun

Going against my brother was something I always hate to do.

Game 1: He gets me with Brain Control after hitting me earlier. Can't do much here with a really monster heavy deck.

Game 2: I had outs to his monsters and Royal Oppression, and Quickdraw Synchron and Debris Dragon does its job.

Game 3: Nobleman of Crossout gets rid of all my Rykos and Royal Oppression stops a key Debris Draogn, and it's all downhill from there.

Round 4: XOX vs. Flamvell Cat

Game 1: It was a war of attrition as me and Alan kept going back and forth with card exchanges. Eventually, I couldn't keep a monster on the field, and he beats me down with BW -Gale the Whirlwind.

Game 2: I stop his summons and such with my sided cards, being Compulsory Evacuation Device and Trap Hole, and I win this duel with Quickdraw shenanigans.

Game 3: He drops a Caius and removes my Sangan, tributing his Sangan to search for Summoner Monk. I couldn't stop his advantage play.


So this was the first time I had not topped at Myth Games in quite a while. I've been saying that I didn't wanna top for quite a bit now, and it actually happened this time.

Still, I dislike losing to the worse version of Synchro in the fourth round: the Flamvell variant.

In the end, it was a Top 8 consisting of Fader Control, 2 Blackwings, Rock Stun, Flamvell Cat, Lightsworn, Twilight, and Dragons.

Top 4 was the two Blackwing decks, Lightsworn and Twilight.

Top 2 was the Blackwing deck against the Twilight deck, with Blackwings winning in the end.


Commenting on my Quickdraw deck, I really liked using Spore today. It was a good tuner, being able to become Level 4 by removing either Lonefire Blossom or Dandylion.

Chaos Sorcerer and Light and Darkness Dragon are both good cards to use in this deck. They saved me a lot of times today.

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast was alright, as I didn't get to use it as often as I wanted to. Spinning just isn't as useful as it was before.

Nobleman of Extermination was great mained. Got rid of their backrows, leading to safe plays for my deck.

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind was great in the deck. I really prefer it over Plaguespreader in this type of deck.


Personally, I may switch to a different deck soon. The speed of this deck just isn't enough to compete with Frogs, Infernities, or X-Sabers.

The deck which I can potentially switch to is probably Frogs, but we shall see in the near-by future.

Thanks for reading this blog still.

Until tomorrow.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

TCG Reprints

Super Dark Armed Dragon.

Super Rare Elemental Hero Stratos

Super Rare Chimeratech Fortress Dragon.

Didn't even need to see the second two...


Friday, May 21, 2010

Vision Hero Trinity

This has been one of the more interesting cards to come out of the first V-Jump Edition Pack.


Vision Hero Trinity

DARK/Warrior - Fusion - Effect/Level 8/2500 Atk/2000 Def

3 "HERO" monsters

During the turn in which this card is Fusion Summoned, its ATK becomes an amount equal to double its original attack. If this card was Fusion Summoned, it can attack thrice during the same battle phase.

So this card looks like it has definete potential.

Being able to be summoned from a fusion of any 3 Hero monsters, it has a lot of flexibility and can be ran in several different decks.

However, its weakness lies in its name. You cannot use Miracle Fusion to summon out V-Hero Trinity as it is not an Elemental Hero.

Still, Future Fusion can be used to bring out this guy. With that, you can dump whatever monsters you need in the graveyard with Future Fusion, such as Destiny Hero Malicious, D-Hero Dasher, and other Hero cards you do not want to topdeck in the late game.

In addition to having a difficult way of being able to be summoned, it cannot attack your opponent directly. This severely limits the potential this card has outside of dumping with Future Fusion.

With such a big attack stat though, I can see why Konami made such a limit to this card. OTK anyone?

People will definetely include one in their Extra Deck most likely, just for those flexible situations, but we will see what will happen in the future.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

XX-Saber Boggart Knight

When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "X-Saber" monster from your hand. This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster, except for the Synchro Summon of a "X-Saber" monster.

This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster, except for the Synchro Summon of a "X-Saber" monster.

except for the Synchro Summon of a "X-Saber" monster

"X-Saber" monster


Something to keep in mind really.

For both me AND for other people.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness

Caius the Shadow Monarch's effect allows it to remove a monster on the field from play, while possessing a 2400 Atk body.

If Caius should remove a DARK monster, 1000 extra points of damage is dealt.

3400 Lifepoints is a lot, and can usually be enough to take a game away from someone.

Even with Gorz in-hand, you if don't have enough Lifepoints to survive, then what's the point?

Seems people have been forgetting Gorz's second effect...

When you take damage from a card your opponent controls while you control no cards, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. Then activate the appropriate effect, based on the type of damage:

Effect Damage: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the damage you took.

People will usually attempt to summon Caius unopposed by backrow.

So...lesson learned here.

Use Gorz's second effect to save your face before it gets smashed!


So..I heard that it's pretty sick now.

It was ruled that Snyffus's effect CAN activate in the damage step.

Yeaa...time to make Plant Cat one more time for this new meta.

We'll see just how impressive Snyffus and Spore can be in TheftCat.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Star Strike Blast

New cards from Star Strike Blast has finally been revealed!

The new cards that Yusei used in the anime, such as Lead Butterfly and Mirror Ladybug are just some of the cards that are going to be placed in the set. Hopefully, it doesn't get completely nerfed.

But knowing Konami and Yusei...yeaaaa

As well, there seems to be new Scrap cards! Looks like the deck is getting the support it needs, and will be seeing more help coming from future packs as well.

And Scarlet Nova Dragon seems to be in this set as interesting...

Looking forward to knowing its effect!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sunday Locals Report

So I know it's Monday, but I had no time to blog about this last night, so here's my report on my Sunday Locals Tournament!

YAAAY!!! After so long! =P

Today, there wasn't as many people as there usually is, so we played 4 rounds, cutting a a Top 8, with the Top 5 getting packs.

I was running good old Synchro Cat.

Round 1: OXO vs. Infernities

Game 1: I win because the person I was playing against was rather new to Infernities, and so I had a big advantage, already knowing how to play against it.

Game 2: This time, he gets the Infernity combo going, but was only was to bring out a bunch of Level 5 and 6 Synchros due to a lack of Necromancer. Still, he had enough momentum that I wasn't able to come back.

Game 3: My side works out really well this time, as a key Crevice into the D.D. cuts off his combos.

Glad I survived Infernities, I looked forward to the rest of my games.

Round 2: OXO vs. Koa'ki Meiru

Game 1: I reduced his resources with a combination play between Rescue Cat and Heavy Storm, and he couldn't make a comeback.

Game 2: He opens Urknight and Iron Core, and he win. Simple. Urknight makes the deck. Duh.

Game 3: Refer to the first Game of this match. Except I used Summoner Monk instead.

Round 3: OXO vs. Blackwings

Game 1: Strong Cat plays from my deck, followed by no Icarus Attack on his part means that my advantage is too much for him to overcome.

Game 2: Now this was something memorable. He goes first, and opens with Shura, Bora, and Bora. I go, and summon Sirroco, pump my monster, and attack his Shura with my 7200 Atk monster. Still, I had no defensive cards, and I lost as a result of Blizzards synchroing Goyo, etc.

Game 3: I didn't managed to draw my side decked cards, but I manage to play out of his deck again, just like Game 1.

Round 4: XOX vs. Machina Gadgets

Well, this was a match against my brother. And I kinda spazzed at him because of a few moves throughout the duel. So the information presented here may not be entirely accurate.

Game 1: He uses Starlight Road. What more can I say.

Game 2: Here's where the spazzing comes in. A lot of BS goes through here now, but in the end, I win.

Game 3: I lose. I really don't remember how, but it was a war of attrition. Me drawing no Pot of Avarice means that I lost it. =\

Top 8: XOO vs. Counter Fairies

Game 1: He negates my Thought Ruler gaining LP effect with Divine Wrath, and then he brings out Vandalgyon and Archlord Kristya. I tried to Bottomless Trap Hole Kristya, but he negates it with Dark Bribe.

Can't do much against those two cards. =\

Game 2: Legendary Jujitsu Master and Rescue Cat in my opening hand as well as Dust Tornado wins it for me this time around.

Game 3: I managed to pull off the win with Caius and Royal Oppression backing my plays.

Top 4: OO vs. Lightsworn Monarchs(?)

Game 1: I get my plays through, and I didn't really get to see any Monarchs through the duel.

Game 2: He gets his Treeborn Frog into the grave, but then I D.D. Crow it away to prevent problems. He couldn't keep a monster on the field, so I get through this matchup.

Top 2: OXO vs. Infernities

Game 1: He couldn't get off an Infernity Inferno / Dark Grepher play, and was just top decking spells and traps all day long. Not having a lot of Infernity monsters in his graveyard did not help either.

Game 2: He gets off his combo while I didn't have D.D. Crow. =\ I tried to Bottomless Trap Hole an Infernity Archfiend he brought back, but then he flips Imperial Iron Wall. Yea...

Game 3: My D.D. Crow and Crevice into the D.D. goes off without a hitch, and I win the tournament with Synchro Cat!


I get four packs from the store as my prizes (3 Hidden Arsenal, 1 Raging Battle), but I didn't manage to pull anything good at all.

Still, I did win with Synchro Cat, even though I was totally not expecting to do as well as I did today.

It was a lot of playtesting today, but at least I know Synchro Cat does alright this format.

Also, I was playtesting a Quickdraw deck, and it really is too slow now.

Playing against this format's X-Sabers was just terrible.

Bad results from the game, but eh. What can you do?

More than likely, I'll be setting aside that deck until it gets a revamp from Junk Destroyer and other cards.

With Synchro Cat, I'll be looking to innovate a new way to play it (hopefully).


That's all for today's post. It's been quite a while since I've blogged so much.

And I must say, I rather enjoy this.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

YCS VA Top 32

And I just found out the Top 32 decks of YCS Virginia.

Here's the list.

7 X-Sabers
7 Infernities
5 Gladiator Beasts
3 Quickdraw Dandywarrior
2 Cat Synchro
2 Gadgets
1 Blackwing
1 Frog Monarch
1 Frog Quickdraw
1 Herald of Perfection
1 Lightsworn Monarch
1 Royal Magical Explosion


From the looks of things, my predictions were definetely off from what I expected.

The reads on both Infernities and X-Ssbers were definetely correct, both taking 21.875% of the Top 32 decks.

Therefore, 40% of the playing field of Virginia was made up of what most people expected to top: X-Sabers and Infernities.

I did not expect Gladiator Beasts to do so well, representing 15.625% of the Top 32 decks, a very good showing.

Gladiator Beasts, from the looks of things, are still a very reliable deck as the format progresses, but we will see how things change as Infernities and X-Sabers continue to grow throughout the format.

Synchro Cat, Quickdraw, and Gadget decks did relatively well, with each deck having 2 / 3 representatives making it to the Top 32. However, the livelihood of these decks remain to be seen at the next YCS.

While Gadgets did win the whole YCS in the end, I still feel that Infernities and X-Sabers are the more dominant decktype.

Blackwings' weak showing at this YCS, only having one representative in the top 32 was a rather shocking surprise, seeing as how the OCG's metagame has more success with Blackwings in this current format.

Perhaps the TCG-boosted X-Sabers may have had a bad effect on the performance of Blackwing decks. This will need to be analyzed more in depth.

To the other decks, I applaud the deckbuilder for making it to the Top 32.

This has been my analysis of the Top 32 decks of YCS Virginia.


On another note, expect a locals update tomorrow. No time today to update on that. It's getting late.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

YCS Virginia

Hmm..Looks like we won't find out which decks are in the Top 32 in Virginia until Day 2, as Rounds 9 and 10 are played that day.


Anyways, it definetely looks like X-Sabers are the deck to beat this format now.

The deck's speed and hype seem to be a little bit better than Infernities.

This could be attributed to lack of Trishula in Infernities however.

Trishula wins games. FACT.

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Format; New Decks

So with the Yugioh Championship this weekend(?) I believe, I feel I should just give a quick feel for what I think will be in the Top 32 of this big event.

Rather, I guess I should name the most decks that first of all have a chance at topping.

This would range from the following decks.

Blackwings, Quickdraw Deck, Gadgets, Synchro Cat, Infernities, and X-Sabers.

Those are the main decks to look out for.

I expect Infernities and X-Sabers to comprised most of the decklists in the Top 32 group of winners, with the other decks having only a few people top with it; roughly 3 or 4.

Infernities have already proven themselves in the OCG, and the results in the TCG should parallel the OCG.

We'll see what X-Sabers do though, now with Boggart Knight and Darksoul.

X-Sabers have no room for tech cards now is what I believe. =P

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Star Strike Blast

Surely it's been a long time since my last blog post.

I haven't blogged in quite a while, and so I apologize to all my readers who frequent this blog.

Anyways, I just wanted to talk about one of the newest cards I heard of in Star Strike Blast.

It's called Tuning apparently.

Add one "Synchron" tuner monster from your deck to your hand. Then send the top card of your deck to the graveyard.

Yea...Yusei decks are getting that big boost they finally needed.

Although this is still unconfirmed...but damn man.

Just. Damn. RoTA anyone?


Also, Shooting Star Dragon and Formula Synchron.

Some broke cards coming very soon.

Well, mainly Formula Synchron. =P