Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday Tourney Report

Today was a good day.

Unfortuantely, like always, I came late. Again.


So I took a first round loss in the third week of Pegasus League here at Myth Games.

I hope I'm allowed to say where I play...

On to Round 2.

Round 2: OO vs. Alan

Game 1: I open with Firedog and Magician in hand. I see that he sets a monster, so I pull out a first turn Stardust. Even though he Brain Controlled Stardust, allowing him to tribute it for his Tytannial, double Bottomless Trap Hole allows me to take momentum back in my favour for game.

Game 2: I open with TWO Firedogs, and a Rekindling this time, and I'm was like, "this is my lucky day."

I took early control with Stardust again for game.

Round 3: XOX vs. Dylan

Game 1: What can I say? Gladiator Beasts are always a tough matchup.

Game 2: I open with Firedog and Rekindling again. After I summoned Dog, and heard Dylan let out a sigh, I took advantage and pushed Dylan really hard with Stardust and Raiza.

Game 3: Well, I failed so hard this game. Dylan manages to pull out a Herk, but it was after I Gold Sarc for Rekindling. Unfortunately, I forgot that I had Avariced my Flamvells into the deck. coming back from that.

Round 4: OO vs. Tanner

Game 1: Opening with Dog again, I bring out a Stardust. Control afterwards with Stardust and Raiza lets me win this duel.

Game 2: Another Dog, another Stardust. This time, I had sided in my Crows and Kycoos, because I knew he needed his graveyard. Only used Crow on Treeborn though, but I still won through his monsters.

Round 5: OO vs. Nathan

Game 1: He opens with a Future Visions, which hurts me a lot, cause I had to start playing defensively. And then he Storms my BTH and Mirror Force. Ouch. However, that let me bring out Firedog into Stardust, which works to my advantage and for game.

Game 2: Again, he opens with Future Visions, but I opened with my Heavy Storm this time, and Rekindling. So, thanks to me tributing for Raiza, and then using Rekindling, I bring out Stardust.
Thanks to a second in-hand Raiza, I lock his draw, and win the duel.

Overall, it was a rather fun day, going 3-2.

I really need to get to Myth Games earlier to stop getting Round 1 losses.

After the tournament, Albert manages to pull another super Garoth, which he used to get me Gold Sarchophagus.


Also, I played a fun duel with my PL deck for a rare Rescue Cat from a Turbo Pack, and I wrecked him. by sacking Rekindling.


It was still an intense duel.

Fun day man!

Let's have another one next week!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Break

Lately, there's been a lack of posts by me.

Sorry, but this Christmas Break really makes me feel lazy.

So don't expect many daily posts for the next two weeks.

In other news, Turbo Pack 2 is coming out.


January 9 to 10.

Wonder if it will come out in other shops...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Parallel World Fusion EDIT

Apparently, it's even BETTER than it is before.

Parallel Fusion's true text:

Return your removed from play monsters that are listed as Fusion Material Monsters of an "Elemental Hero" Fusion Monster to the Deck and Special Summon that monster from your Extra Deck. (This is treated as a Fusion Summon). You cannot Special Summon other monsters this turn.

Malicious and Deep Sea Diva to the deck for more abuse anyone?

Absolute Powerforce SE Promos

Dandylion and REDMD

Yea really.

Time to get me a slew of flowers.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday Locals Report

Once again, I did not get a chance to enter.

I was a bit lazy, and it was my dad's birthday, so I didn't wake him up early enough.

Oh well.

However, I did manage to catch the final round of Jimmy vs. someone who I didn't really know.

In the end, the other guy won using Metalmorph.

Really? O_O

It's kinda hard to see how this guy beat Jimmy's Synchro Monarch, considering he ran beatdown with equip cards in a 60 card deck.


Better luck next time Jimmy.

Oh yes.

I finally have a rather perfected Extra Deck. Thanks to my traders today.

Sorry for the bitch-out again guys.


And next week, Symbols Cat is gonna rock the stage!

Or not...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Black Feather Dragon

Just heard from the Gaijin Duelist that's it's Level 7.

And has 2700 Atk.


But it has an EARTH attribute.



Thursday, December 17, 2009

Perfect Declarer


Perfect Declarer 「神光の宣告者」

LIGHT/Angel - Ritual - Effect/6/1800/2800

This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Magic Card, "Declarer Promise". Activate by sending 1 Angel-Type monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Negate the activation of an opposing activated Effect Monster's effect, Magic, or Trap Card, and destroy it.

New Ritual monster coming out in The Shining Darkness.

Well at first, because of the fact that it requires angels to discard, would make this isn't a good as it should be, given that the Djinns are all fiends, a second look shows that Chaos builds will just thrive off this.

I'm in a sudden urge to make Rituals now.

Especially Quishie.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cyber Eltanin

It's official.

It's coming out in Shonen Jump.

I love you Konami.

Time to wreck faces with Light Machines.

E-Hero Great TORNADO


Elemental Hero Great Tornado

WIND/Warrior - Fusion - Effect/8/2800/22001

"Elemental Hero" monster + 1 WIND monster

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. When this card is successfully Fusion Summoned, halve the ATK and DEF of all face-up monsters your opponent controls.

I decided to take a second look at this card. Actually, it's pretty beasty from a certain point of view.

If you top deck Miracle Fusion, and decide that Absolute Zero, The Shining or Gaia isn't worth it, or have none left of those to fuse for, Great Tornado could be fitted in.

And Tornado's effect basically says "Gale just got used on all your monsters."

That would suck when you have a full field, given that Tornado also has 2800 Atk, enough to match Stardust and go over Goyo, if Goyo is halved.

Hmmm...I think I may start collecting the Elemental E-Hero Fusions. They're pretty cool.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Parallel World Fusion


Parallel World Fusion 「平行世界融合」

Normal Magic Card

Return removed from play Fusion Material Monsters of yours that are listed by an "Elemental Hero" Fusion Monster Card to the Graveyard, and Special Summon that 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon.) During the turn in which this card is activated, you cannot Special Summon.

They are finally releasing this card in the OCG through Premium Pack 12.

V-Hero, anyone?

And variants of decks running the Elemental E-Heros just got a pretty big boost.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday Locals Report

And here's the actual report. And as a note, I don't really really my matches much as it's already Monday and not Sunday.

Round 1: XOX vs. Dylan

Game 1: He plays a Gladiator Beast on the field, and I knew what I was up against. It was pretty back and forth until he nails me with Gyzarus and I had no answers afterwords.

Game 2: This time, I set up Treeborn Frog early and constantly dropped my Monarchs on him. Dylan having Retiari in hand really hurt him.

Game 3: I manage to get Treeborn into the grave early, but he Retiari's it out of play. That really hurt me in the long run, and he had answers to the rest of my cards.

Round 2: OO vs. Mark

Game 1: Seeing as how Mark came here right without knowing about the PL, he threw together a quick Pegasus League deck, which was Koaki Meirus, which were pretty weak...

I used my Monarchs to get advantage, as he had a bunch of dead cards in hand.

Game 2: Same as game 1. I dropped my Monarchs, while he had dead cards again.

Round 3: XOX vs Shahid

Game 1: Another Gladiator Beast matchup. Early on, he gets his Chariot loop going, and I didn't have any answers to his cards.

Not drawing Creature Swap really hurt me in the long run.

Game 2: He expended all his resources early game, while I had Treeborn Frog in the grave allowing for Monarchs to flood my field. He also drew Retiari, which sucked for him.

Game 3: An bad play early on (swapping Rat for Sangan) followed by Heavy Storm means I scoop my cards.

Round 4: OO vs Dustin

Game 1: He was running a pretty lulzy deck, so I took control early and won.

Game 2: Same as game 1 really. I quick win.

Round 5: OO vs Alan

Game 1: Early control with Creature Swap, Level Stealer, and my Monarchs secured the game for me.

Game 2: Alan pulls off an early Gigaplant move, but I managed to Creature it away to me, which I used to get out Level Stealer from my grave, not that it mattered...

Either way, he gets it back with Mark of the Rose, and pulls off his crazy special summoning move, leaving me with 100 LP.

Then I managed to make a comeback using Raiza and Thestalos.

Overall, the day was really fun, and like I said, Jimmy pulling his JD was awesome.

Afterwards, we hung out at Taco Bell, as usual. Putting Shahid through the Gauntlet was a pretty funny sight, but he is still trying his best at it.

Well, that's all for today.

Until tomorrow.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday Locals Review

Well, today was the start of this month's Pegasus League. Here we go.

Unfortunately, due to some unforseen circumstances, the deck I had intended to use had to undergo some changes.

Lack of cards such as Mother Grizzly, and UFO Turtle really made me change the focus of the deck up a bit.

After getting a ride with Nathan to my locals, I made my deck, payed for the entry, and got ready for this new league with my Monarch deck.

Maaaan...this league really ain't in my favour. :\

Due to some time constraints, I'll be posting about my tourney results tomorrow.

In the end, Jimmy managed to top with his Synchro Monarch deck, which really impressed me.

It wasn't Synchro Cat, but at least he found some good WIND monsters to work with.

Also, congrats Jimmy on pulling that Ultimate Judgement Dragon. That was really nice.

And good pull with Dark Simorgh, Shahid.

Get some good trades guys.

Lastly, Jimmy, I'm gonna be trying out your deck. It's looks solid.

And it's okay, I'm representing the team. Not just net-decking.


Saturday, December 12, 2009


Well, I haven't posted anything different than YuGiOh in a while now, so here's something.

I'm back into Maplestory.

Like really?

Yeah man. Really.

I play because it's fun, and I enjoy the storyline.

Just a note now though, that I probably won't be able to entirely keep up with YuGiOh as much as I had before.

Still, I intend to keep the focus of this blog YuGiOh-based, so no worries about that.


1000th Hit!

Well, it seems that last night, I managed to get to my 1000th Hit finally!


Thanks to all my current readers for supporting my blog!

As a gift, I would like you, the readers, to tell me in the comments section what my next few posts should be about.

Do you want me to review certain cards, and state my opinion on them?

Do you want me to review the up and coming card sets to be released in the TCG?

Or rather, do you want me to give a deck history of when I began to play competitively?

If none of this appeals to you, list your own!

Thanks again!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jump Festa Special Card Pack


Koalaccoala 「コアラッコアラ」

EARTH/Beast - Fusion - Effect/6/2800/200

"Koalakko" + "Raccoala"

Activate by sending 1 Beast-Type monster from your hand to the Graveyard and selecting 1 monster your opponent controls. Destroy the selected monster.

This is one of the new cards that stands out to me, IMO.

They actually made a FUSION monster, and a good one at that.

Although you have to use Sea Koala and the new "Raccoala" released in this set, the new fusion monster is still:

1. Level 6 with 2800 Atk
2. Doesn't need to be brought out by Fusion Summon, and is semi-nomi
3. Compatible with The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion
4. Other stuff I can't think about

Hopefully, Konami will released some better fusion cards, such as this.

They did bring back Rituals after all...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pegasus League: Thoughts

While this league does offer a ton of rewards (Turbo Packs) for creativity, I don't really like it all that much.

To be takes a lot of playtesting and work in order to effectively run a deck consistently of elements that aren't named DARK or LIGHT.

Combine all four of them, and now that's just a pretty big mess.


Just my 2 cents.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Swap Monarchs: Deck Update

Well, after a bit of testing, it turns out that the deck does do the job that I wanted it to.

As I said, both Gorz and Dark Armed Dragon are just too dead in my hand. So in the end, I decided to drop the two of them for both Thestalos and Caius. This means that I am running 3 Thestalos and 3 Caius.

Reminescent of the trip Zaborg, Thestalos format...Haha.

As well, I found that often times, I draw cards that I would prefer to have put into my graveyard through my means of recruiting. To offset this problem, 1 Raigeki Break and 1 PWWB was added to the deck over Call of the Haunted and My Body as a Shield.

Another fix to the deck was that I found that Mobius and Thestalos isn't too hot this format. :\
Monster removal in the form of Caius and Raiza were way more beneficially against the attack of Synchros such as Thought Ruler and Stardust.

To fix this, I dropped one Mobius to fit in one Raiza, maxing him out. However, this means that I now have too many recruiters. Because I am running three Raizas now, I dropped the Kamakiris entirely, and instead put in place a Mother Grizzly, giving me the WATERs I needed, and a teched Vortex Trooper, cause of lack of a good splashable WIND monster.

So the deck is now like this.

Monsters (23):
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Raiza the Storm Monarch x3
Caius the Shadow Monarch x3
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x3
Mother Grizzly x2
UFO Turtle x2
Howling Insect
Giant Rat x2
Level Stealer x2
Treeborn Frog
Vortex Trooper

Spells (8):
Brain Control
Soul Exchange x2
Creature Swap x3
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon

Traps (9):
Torrential Tribute
Mirror Force
Trap Dustshoot
Royal Oppression x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Raigeki Break
Phoenix Wind Wing Blast

The deck now runs more better, due to the fact that more reactive cards have been added to the deck.

However, the lack of proper removal cards still kinda tick me off. :\

Maybe I'll try out Zaborg when I get them...

Well, for as long as this league runs anyways. I still want to perfect my Cat builds.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Recruiter Monarch: Pegasus League

Monsters (23):
Dark Armed Dragon
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Mobius the Frost Monarch x2
Raiza the Storm Monarch x2
Caius the Shadow Monarch x2
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x2
Mother Grizzly
UFO Turtle x2
Howling Insect
Giant Rat x2
Flying Kamakiri #1 x2
Level Stealer x2
Treeborn Frog

Spells (9):
Brain Control
Soul Exchange x2
Creature Swap x3
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
My Body as a Shield

Traps (8):
Torrential Tribute
Mirror Force
Trap Dustshoot
Royal Oppression x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Call of the Haunted

Just a rough version of my deck for the League at the moment.

I'll probably drop Gorz and Dark Armed in the end. It doesn't look like they'll work out too well in this deck.

If in the end, the deck doesn't meet up to my expectations, I'll probably switch my deck to a Insect-Plant hybrid deck with random splahable WATERs.

With this deck though, any suggestion is thanked for. I appreciate it.

Cards I actually need though :

Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x2
UFO Turtle
Level Stealer
Soul Exchange (Jimmy, I think you have my extra.)

Thanks again!


Yea...Not feeling the Gorz/ DAD.

- Gorz, DAD
+ Caius, Thestalos

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pegasus League

So next week, at my locals, the Pegasus league is slated to begin.

Basically, it's a league where you have to create a deck based on certain rules in order to enter.

Well, I look forward to this...I guess...

I really would like to play Synchro Cat in constructed really, but I could make do somehow.

"Air, Water, Fire, Earth" is this month's theme. I need to make a deck with at least 4 monsters with each of those attributes.


Here I come, Recruiter Monarchs.

Also, I need Thethys! Trade me please!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Duel Videos

So us, known as Team Metronome, has finally gotten some duel videos!!!


It may take a while, but the first two duels are being uploaded onto our Youtube account.



Man, did I suck those duels.


I officaily hate uploading and editing. Jimmy, if you see this, I want to let you know that you're gonna upload them. Because this stuff really confuses me.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Volcanic Cat

This idea came to me after seeing another person's build of Synchro Cat.

Basically, it runs just like my former Volcanic Monk advantage deck, but Shells and Counters are dropped out of the equation.

I use Volcanic Rocket to get my free discard cards for Monk, Raigeki Break, PWWB, etc.

From there, the deck plays like a normal Synchro Cat deck.

However, the use of big beaters means that playing around Oppression becomes a lot easier.

Of course, Flamvell Cat does the same, but that build doesn't main Oppressions...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fusion Ultra! Bond over time and space

Well, this movie is starting to turn out really good.

From the looks of things so far, Paradox, the antagonist of the movie, has dark versions of 9 key cards from the main characters.

So far, 3 has been revealed. Blue Eyes White Dragon, Red Eyes Black Dragon, and Stardust Dragon.

And what's more, it looks like these cards are going to turn into an archetype! =O

It looks like the archetype will be known as SIN.


In other news, I saw this really awesome trailer of the movie. Showed the 3 duelists getting ready to fight off against Paradox, as well as their super mystical powers!!!

Clicky here to watch.

Judai is just too awesome.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Final Countdown

With Threatening Roar, Thunder of Ruler, Battle Fader, Zero Gardna, and Necro Gardna, stall decks have been more prominent in the OCG.

Think this is a viable strategy to top tournies in the TCG?

Or do you just want to piss people off by stalling? :p

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


So, I finally saw a full subbed version of -Ozone-, the 3rd ending of Yugioh 5Ds.

After some googling and looking up stuff on wikipedia, I realized that it references the Qixi Chinese Festival rather strongly in their thingy.

Well, I'm not a musician, but that's pretty cool how the song makes allusions to a Chinese festival.

Just saying. =P

When the rain of tears stop,
Magpies, please make our bridge,
And connect us...

Card Sleeves

Apparently, Konami is releasing new "Majestic Star Dragon" card sleeves.Seems it's going to be just like those card sleeves that Japan currently has, like with Stardust, Ancient Fairy, Power Tool, and others.

Will the quality of it be nice? I hope so.
Looking forward to buying some on their release date, January 19th.