Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Swap Monarchs: Deck Update

Well, after a bit of testing, it turns out that the deck does do the job that I wanted it to.

As I said, both Gorz and Dark Armed Dragon are just too dead in my hand. So in the end, I decided to drop the two of them for both Thestalos and Caius. This means that I am running 3 Thestalos and 3 Caius.

Reminescent of the trip Zaborg, Thestalos format...Haha.

As well, I found that often times, I draw cards that I would prefer to have put into my graveyard through my means of recruiting. To offset this problem, 1 Raigeki Break and 1 PWWB was added to the deck over Call of the Haunted and My Body as a Shield.

Another fix to the deck was that I found that Mobius and Thestalos isn't too hot this format. :\
Monster removal in the form of Caius and Raiza were way more beneficially against the attack of Synchros such as Thought Ruler and Stardust.

To fix this, I dropped one Mobius to fit in one Raiza, maxing him out. However, this means that I now have too many recruiters. Because I am running three Raizas now, I dropped the Kamakiris entirely, and instead put in place a Mother Grizzly, giving me the WATERs I needed, and a teched Vortex Trooper, cause of lack of a good splashable WIND monster.

So the deck is now like this.

Monsters (23):
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Raiza the Storm Monarch x3
Caius the Shadow Monarch x3
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x3
Mother Grizzly x2
UFO Turtle x2
Howling Insect
Giant Rat x2
Level Stealer x2
Treeborn Frog
Vortex Trooper

Spells (8):
Brain Control
Soul Exchange x2
Creature Swap x3
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon

Traps (9):
Torrential Tribute
Mirror Force
Trap Dustshoot
Royal Oppression x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Raigeki Break
Phoenix Wind Wing Blast

The deck now runs more better, due to the fact that more reactive cards have been added to the deck.

However, the lack of proper removal cards still kinda tick me off. :\

Maybe I'll try out Zaborg when I get them...

Well, for as long as this league runs anyways. I still want to perfect my Cat builds.



  1. I would drop level stealer for a soul exchange.
    I would maybe drop your earth line up for jujitsu masters/spell striker except for dandylion.
    I would drop mobius and just run 3 grizzlies

    Level eater is realy the only thing i would really change since i don't think you need 2.

    I hope it's not pegasus league every week. Some constructed would be nice.

  2. The Jujitsu Masters sound like a suitable replacement for the EARTH recruiters, but I dislike Spell Striker, as it is an inherent minus.

    And I never really considered using one Level Stealer.

    With 9 Monarchs, a 3rd Soul Exchange does sound beneficial.

    I'll consider the change to the WATER lineup.
