Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday Locals Report

And here's the actual report. And as a note, I don't really really my matches much as it's already Monday and not Sunday.

Round 1: XOX vs. Dylan

Game 1: He plays a Gladiator Beast on the field, and I knew what I was up against. It was pretty back and forth until he nails me with Gyzarus and I had no answers afterwords.

Game 2: This time, I set up Treeborn Frog early and constantly dropped my Monarchs on him. Dylan having Retiari in hand really hurt him.

Game 3: I manage to get Treeborn into the grave early, but he Retiari's it out of play. That really hurt me in the long run, and he had answers to the rest of my cards.

Round 2: OO vs. Mark

Game 1: Seeing as how Mark came here right without knowing about the PL, he threw together a quick Pegasus League deck, which was Koaki Meirus, which were pretty weak...

I used my Monarchs to get advantage, as he had a bunch of dead cards in hand.

Game 2: Same as game 1. I dropped my Monarchs, while he had dead cards again.

Round 3: XOX vs Shahid

Game 1: Another Gladiator Beast matchup. Early on, he gets his Chariot loop going, and I didn't have any answers to his cards.

Not drawing Creature Swap really hurt me in the long run.

Game 2: He expended all his resources early game, while I had Treeborn Frog in the grave allowing for Monarchs to flood my field. He also drew Retiari, which sucked for him.

Game 3: An bad play early on (swapping Rat for Sangan) followed by Heavy Storm means I scoop my cards.

Round 4: OO vs Dustin

Game 1: He was running a pretty lulzy deck, so I took control early and won.

Game 2: Same as game 1 really. I quick win.

Round 5: OO vs Alan

Game 1: Early control with Creature Swap, Level Stealer, and my Monarchs secured the game for me.

Game 2: Alan pulls off an early Gigaplant move, but I managed to Creature it away to me, which I used to get out Level Stealer from my grave, not that it mattered...

Either way, he gets it back with Mark of the Rose, and pulls off his crazy special summoning move, leaving me with 100 LP.

Then I managed to make a comeback using Raiza and Thestalos.

Overall, the day was really fun, and like I said, Jimmy pulling his JD was awesome.

Afterwards, we hung out at Taco Bell, as usual. Putting Shahid through the Gauntlet was a pretty funny sight, but he is still trying his best at it.

Well, that's all for today.

Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. That's just not nice, i went through so much pain XD give me a break ur lucky u don't have to go through it. O well only 2 more ppl to beat till i pass gauntlet, I'm coming for u victor so beware. Y is there so much hate on me T_T is it because of my GB deck or is it just me?
