Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ally Genex Birdman

Thanks to my infinte knowledge and such and such, I have found a new awesome card that's pretty good!!!

cough cough Neuxcharge's Blog...

Ally Genex Birdman

DARK / Level 3 / Machine-type / Tuner / 1400 Atk / 400 Def

By returning 1 face-up monster you control to your hand, Special Summon this card from your hand. If the returned monster was a WIND monster, this card gains 500 ATK. When this card is Special Summoned by this effect, it is removed from play when it is removed from the field.

So, let's review this card.

Wow, I haven't done one of those in a while.

First of all, is the archetype.

Yea, it's not a strong one. Ally Genex is really one of the undermined archetypes due to the fact that the archetype is only available in the OCG at the moment, and when the archetype is compared to the other Duel Terminal archetypes, it falls short against the infamous Magoshin (Fiend Roar Dieties) and the Naturia Boss monsters.

The attribute is next.

Being DARK greatly increases this card's chance of being used. As the DARK attribute has been greatly enhanced in recent years of this game, Birdman being DARK is just goodness all around.

Searchable by Mystic Tomato, and being able to be removed for Allure of Darkness puts this card in a good position.

Now I'll talk about it's typing and it's Tuner status at once. Because that's the only way to talk about one of this card's greatest asset.

Genex Neutron.

Genex Neutron lets you search out a machine-type Tuner from your deck at the end of a turn he's summoned. Birdman is a machine-type Tuner. SYNEEEERGY!!!

But anyways, yea, Birdman has a good typing for that reason and that reason alone.

As well, being a Level 3 Tuner opens up a lot of synchro abilities, although Level 7 synchros have been suffering as of late.

1400 Atk is really nice here, given that the Birdman sneaks under Bottomless Traphole, allowing you to synchro without losing Birdman to that card.

Lastly, the effect.

While its effect may seem subpar at first, the significance of Birdman's effect would clearly be the ability to reuse monster effect that activates when they are normal summoned.

Obviously, the ones that come to mind would be to reuse E-Hero Stratos' effect.

Other cards would be the Gadgets, Armageddon Knight, and even reusing Monarchs' effects.


Overall, Birdman is a relatively good card. With goood support, a strong attribute, and other benefits to this monster, I can see this card being played in a few decks in Japan.

Where it truly stands, however, will be whether or not the deck is effeicient enough to compete against the metagame.

I give this card a 7.0/ 10

It isn't the best card to use, but it isn't the worst either.

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