Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Locals

Another day, another tourney to win!

Left my house early to leave for my locals, and I got there around 11:15 am. I saw Jimmy on the way there again. Man, it feels good to leave early for Yugioh.

This could be a permanent thing now.

Anyways, I get there, and tried to trade away a recently obtained Mezuki, but trading is serious business man!

So I dont get many good, big trades, but I did manage to do some little ones.

Well, to the tournament report NOW!

1) Went 2-2 with Beast Cat! >_<

2) Still topped anyways thanks to tiebreakers with Jimmy!!!

3) Going all the way to winning the tournament! WHOO

4) Not pulling anything from Turbo...XP

So basically, that was my day.

On another note, I finally got a few (TWO) videos on my Youtube account!

It ain't much, but it'll do for now.

Link is below.

Check out the videos please! It's some content..I

One more thing before I go!

Seems my blogging has turned from a daily task to a semi...daily..task.

Eh, whatever the word is. So expects posts to come every second day, and weekends is kinda a winger.

Thanks for reading this post!

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