Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Duelist Pack - Kaiba

So it seems Konami has this crazy idea that the consumers are now nostalgic for old cards...>_>;

Duelist Pack - Kaiba is now slated for a TCG release on April 20th.

A 40 card Duelist Pack..hmmm. That's an interesting choice by Konami now.

I can fortell that is set will be one for collectors mainly.

For now, let's review some of the interesting notes of this set.

Highlights of this special set include:
A brand-new “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” Effect Monster, available for the first time!

SIN Blue Eyes White Dragon. Can anyone else see this?

5 Ultimate Rare versions of Kaiba’s most foreboding – and forbidden – cards, including “Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End,” “Cyber Jar,” and “Pot of Greed” – cards never before seen as Ultimate Rares.

New, shiny banned cards..yeaaaa

Brand-new artwork for “XYZ-Dragon Cannon” and “Vorse Raider.”

New artwork is okay I guess.

Includes two of the biggest monsters ever created: “Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon” and “Dragon Master Knight.”

Who uses these anymore???

A new chance for you to get popular but hard-to-find cards like “Fiend’s Sanctuary” and the alternate artwork “La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp.”

Fiend's Sanctuary will be nice for sure.

Foil-up your deck with a shiny Super Rare version of “Return from the Different Dimension.”

A foil version of RftDD. Sounds okay I guess.

Like I said, set for collectors. (-__-)

This set does not seem like it will be offering up any new cards for the TCG metagame, and also, the reprints are really meh.

Just my two cents.

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