Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ally of Justice - Catastor

Well, this card certainly has a chance of cropping up often in my blog.

Recently, I've found synchroing for this monster in my Extra deck has been increasing more and more often.

While the usefulness of Level 6 monsters such as Goyo Guardian and Brionac is really great, Catastor's effect will serve better in the long run, due to the pressure that Catastor places on the opponent's cards.

Unfortunately, it loses to Book of Moon, Bottomless Trap Hole, and others, but that's why you don't pull it out when the opponent has a facedown card, right?

Of course, don't ever pull this guy out on a Blackwing or Zombie deck. The number of DARKs those decks have would just wreck Catastor.

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