Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Locals Report

Well, before heading to the YuGiOh tournament, I had to get my H1N1 flu shot. And I must say, holy ****, that was one big needle. Gave me a ton of butterflies in my stomach, before and after the shot.

After getting my vaccine, I headed over to the YuGiOh shop.

When I arrived, I had very little time to get my bearings straight. The first round had started, but luckily, I was able to still enter the first round without taking a Round 1 loss, due to the fact that 4 people were entering around the same time as me.


Getting out Albert's mat, and my deck, I was ready to take on the tournament with Synchro Cat.

Round 1: OO vs Lane

Game 1: After seeing my opponent drop Gigantic Cepholotus, I knew I was agaisnt a Plant deck. However, I must say, it was poorly built. As well, a few misplays from my opponent letting me know his facedown card was Wall of Ivy just put the momentum into my favour.

After dropping Monk into Cat into 2 Airbellums, he just couldn't swing back.

Game 2: I cannot really remember this match, but after I went Monk, Cat, Arcanite, and Ancient Fairy, he Lightning Vortexed my field.


However, he didn't have any follow-up, so I took control and won.

Round 2: XOO vs. Simon

Game 1: Well, against Zombie Synchro, it was a pretty tough fight. He Burialed my Dark Armed Dragon that I searched with Gold Sarc, which was a pretty damaging blow. Even though I managed to nail Simon with a Monk - Cat - Airbellum - Ancient Fairy combo, Simon comes right back at me with Stardust, Chaos Sorc, Doomkaiser, stealing my Plague, and other crap.

He hits me for OVER 9000!!!

Game 2: This time, with my sided cards, I expected to do better. However, I didn't really draw any of them. Go figures. Eventually, the battle becomes a top decking war, with me using D.D. Crow to secure momentum. Then, by dropping Armor Master, I took the game.

Game 3: I really don't remember much of this match. It was all a blur, to be honest. Two D.D. Crows did help against Simon in the long run however. Near the end, I believe I managed to win with Caius or some beatsticking.

Round 3: XX vs. John

Game 1: Early on, he played some messed up ruling on me with Bottomless and Black Whirlwind. That, I didn't really like. However, in the end, I ran out of resources, while he kept gaining his. Man, Black Whirlwind is a beast of a card.

Game 2: Pretty much the same as Game 1. I eventually ran out of cards, and he just kept gaining his.

Round 4: OXO vs. Alan

Game 1: So Game 1, he plays Exemplar with United We Stand equipped. During my End Phase, he flips Royal Decree. However, an overcommitment to the field, followed by Black Rose Dragon wrecked him. I retained control over the duel from then on.

Game 2: Well, somehow, he pwns me bad with Stardust, Defender, and Exemplar with Mage Power. Darn Mind Control! That threw me off badly.

Game 3: Early on, he played Exemplar on me, as well as Secret Village. However, Gravekeeper's Guard managed to save me from losing my spell cards. The next turn, I MSTed his facedown card, Brian Controled Exemplar, summon Plague, synched into Goyo, brought back Guard with Exemplar's effect, top decked a card for Plague, and synched into Uruquizas.

Now that was one good play. Eventually though, he pulls out Colossal with his Night End Sorcerer and my Goyo, but I got rid of it with Lightning Vortex.

He eventuallys brings out Injection Fairy Lily, but with a Monk in my hand, I managed to get rid of his final lifepoints with Dark Panther copying Lily's effect.

To be quite honest, I need better duel memorizing skills. Really. :\

At this point we go to Top 8, and I end up going against Dylan. However, Marlon shows up around this point, and he lets me use his Brionac! YAY!

Top 8: OO vs Dylan

Game 1: Now here is where my memory starts to fail me. I do not really remember the details of this duel, but I believe I won thanks to Dark Armed Dragon on the field with Goyo and Ancient Fairy.

Game 2: Here, I managed to get early momentum thanks to successful Arcanite plays. Drawing into Trunade and Storm truly did help me. However, Dylan soon manages to put me in a bad position with Shura and Armor Master on the field backed by Kalut. However, earlier damage had left Dylan at 1700 lifepoints.

THANK YOU MARLON. I had a Summoner Monk in my hand that turn, and he had no facedown cards. I went Monk into Brionac, dropped two cards, and attacked for game. Brionac is a godsend. Mist Wurm would have done the same thing too. :)

Top 4: OO vs. Gigavise Player

I'm really sorry, but I forgot your name! My bad!

Game 1: Well, he drew really bad, to be honest. No Lonefires at all, and some bad Mark of the Rose plays. We kept passing Brionac back and forth for a while. Eventually, I dealt more damage to him thanks to Caius.

Game 2: Again, he opened REALLY badly. No Lonefire or search cards. Once again, we kept passing Brionac back and forth, but soon, my damge exceeded his.

Top 2: OO vs Simon

Game 1: Well, Diva-Zombies again. Early on, I could tell that Simon was losing resources pretty quickly. With Synchro Cat strong at removing resources, and Simon's deck of -1s, I secured the first duel.

Man, definetely gotta work on duel memorizing skills. :\

Game 2: Siding in my cards, those Crows really did help a lot again. No sign of the Kycoos though. Early Trap Dustshoot let me know of Simon's cards, and I just kept pressuring him with damage. Soon, he was forced to give up his Burials to save his life for a turn, and that just left me in a position to win.

So overall, it was a really fun day. I got 4 packs of Turbo Packs, and pulled a Super Rare Garoth. NICE! So Marlon is borrowing that for the moment. Thanks again for the Brionac Marlon. It really did save my face.

Not a lot of trading over the day, however, as much as borrowing. With the idea that Team Metronome is established, there was a lot more borrowing between me, Marlon, and Jimmy.

But that's what teams are for! :D

I really should make a list of borrowed / lent cards....

Until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. *ahem* my brionac tht I gave to Mar

    just sayin just sayin

    and if I was there you wouldn't have topped

    just sayin just sayin

    lol jk
    Karma please don't bite me in the ass

    Congrats on your win and trade that super garoth away to Mark and come out ballin.
    Good luck on the next tourney
