Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday Locals Report

Well, usually, I have a tournament report on Sunday, but today, I went to the more competitive locals down south of where I live.

There were a lot more players than the Sunday locals, but there are also a lot more people to trade with then.

I didn't do a lot of trading before the tournament started, but I managed to get a shiny Shura for a Blackwing deck, completing my playset.

The tournament begins.

Round 1: XX vs. Brandon

Game 1: After Brandon played his first card, I realized that I was playing a Blackwing mirror match. Basically, he opened good, I opened bad. Luck of the draw when in a BW mirror.

Game 2: I sided in some cards, but they don't see the light of day. Eventually though, I get control with Magical Android on the field until he tops a Dark Grepher, dumps his Vayu in his hand, and pulls out an Armor Master. No more resources left afterwards, so I lose.

Round 2: XX vs. Brandon

Game 1: So for some reason, I ended up going against the same person again. The COSSY system is really troublesome. :\ Basically, same thing happened as ound 1, Game 1. He got his cards first.

Game 2: Well, this time I opened stronger, but he double Dust Tornadoed my Mirror Force and Trap Dustshoot, and that makes me QQ. That pretty much wrecked me.

Round 3: XOX vs. Vincent

Game 1: Yet again, another Blackwing mirror. He Brain Controled my Sirocco, pumped his guys all up, and made me scoop. Sigh...a bad day today for me I suppose.

Game 2: He played right into a Dark Armed Draogn move, which works out to my benefit. I win a duel for once that day! YAY!

Game 3: A long duel, so I can't remember the details. I recall Dark Illusion wrecking my deck though. I just know he beat in the end.

Round 4: OO vs. Jeff

Game 1 + 2:

Going against Chaos, I opened strong, while he didn't draw his Chaos Sorcerers both times. In the end, I win.

Well, overall, even though I had a bad day at the tournament, I did do some good trades afterwards.

Getting me Ally of Justice - Catastor, and Mist Valley Soldier, as well as pulling X-Saber Airbellum from my Hidden Arsenal pack made me pretty happy. Not getting any Gold Sarchophagus kinda made me sad, but now I know that they are $30 each.

Afterwards, having some fun games with James made my day. Him using Brain Control on Ancient Fairy to blow up his own field spell was pretty hilarious. XD

Getting Catastor
Getting all the cards for my Cat Synchro deck
Pulling Airbellum

Going 1-3 :\
Losing to Dark Illusion in Blackwings
Not getting Gold Sarcs

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