Monday, November 23, 2009

Deck Status

While I have been playing Symbols Cat for a while now, I've decided to switch to Oppression Cat for now.

The Symbols of Duty combo, while truly explosive, often resulted in dead draws which I didn't like to see.

Drawing a Symbols, or one of the two normal Beast monsters would often force me to make bad plays, until I was able to get the cards needed to recover.

As well, by dropping the 3rd Symbols, the explosiveness has dropped drastically, as there is no longer a guarantee on Power Tool Dragon's effect.

So for now, I'll be using Oppression Cat. Using Royal Oppression after an overcommitment will usually win me games, as Special Summoing is cut off, and control is established with Catastor/ Goyo/etc.

However, this is still in the testing process, and having only one deck to usually playtest, that being Gladiators, doesn't really help much for the deck building.

Example being the inclusion of Caius. I've been seeing it as a dead card more and more often now, IRL and in-game (WC09).

Further testing will warrant my final opinion on the build.

Flamvell Cat is something that I would like to test as well, but Tragoedias and that lone Brionac will be needed.

Well, that's pretty much it for my deck status.

Until tomorrow.

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